[28M] Stupid ways which you've failed

Hi all, relatively new here but have been struggling with this addiction for more years than i’ll like to admit

Just wanted to say that it’s amazing to see such support for each other out here. I’m surprised at how just seeing others talk about the similar problems they face gives me courage to face my own. I’m grateful and want to contribute back.

Wanted to start a little discussion regarding ways that we sometimes ‘trick’ ourselves back into PMO:

I know for sure my number 1 mistake is, after a decent streak of >10days, I will start to get confident and think that just a peek would be ok and not lead to anything else. We all know this is a slippery slope and it’s the little monster inside casting it’s spell.

What other ways do we stupidly convince ourselves to jump back into the abyss? Please share so that we can laugh, learn and become stronger for it :slight_smile:


That little monster has been casting its spell on me for more than 15 years; there’s a whole collection of excuses and justifications it’s collected over the years.

It’s been X amount of days, a new video has been released featuring your favourite actress, you’re missing out if you don’t go and watch it.

I’ll just go on the website and see what’s new, I won’t watch anything.

If you’re getting these many urges, you mustn’t be ready to quit yet. We’ll just go for a round or two and start again for real.

You’re not doing all your productive habits, you’re not taking the journey seriously. We have to go back to zero again and start with full force, exercise, journaling, cold showers etc. This streak is going to fail anyway.

Ah, I’m on day X again. This is the same day I failed the last streak. I don’t think I’ll make it past midnight.

Day Y is coming up, no way you’re going to make it that far. You’re going to fail before then, you may as well go back now.

Oops, you accidentally saw something you weren’t supposed to. Shame, the streak’s not clean anymore. Get to searching

Oh, you’ve spent too long staring at that girl on Instagram. May as well restart, this streak is dirty. Let’s have a 4 hour PMO binge first.

and my biggest one;

Day Z is coming up - your birthday, New Year, special event, holiday etc, that’s a perfect time to quit. You can’t just quit on a random Tuesday or something, it needs to be meaningful so you’ll stick to it. You’re going to quit permanently, so you may as well enjoy yourself before you end it all.


My mind can sometimes go like: “Tomorrow you have a day of lot of active work, you need to be quick on your feet and sharp in your skull. And right now you feel bored and a sloth, it’s probably because of two weeks of NoFap. And… If you relapse you ain’t gonna get bothered by urges or flatline tomorrow. You can really go rock and roll then. You need these grades and respect. You won’t really go that far on you’re recovery.
It always seemed a logical option, but was incredibly dum in retrospect.


Ah yes, the good ol’ “since i’ve made a small mistake I might as well see it through”


If you relapse you ain’t gonna get bothered by urges or flatline tomorrow. You can really go rock and roll then. You need these grades and respect. You won’t really go that far on you’re recovery.

It’s incredible how we can justify doing anything in our time of weakness - once again just showcasing how ■■■■ has ‘hijacked’ our normal sense of reasoning