[28 M] Transformation- **KILLING THE MONSTER** - All Out

This diary will be my record of daily logs.

Date Month:

Task Benefits Status
Avoid Deliberate Distractions Control over thoughts and actions—Virtual/Real/Imagination
Get Out of the Room (if not studying) No lying on bed (except for sleep)
Get Out of Home at Least Once Sun, fresh air, physical activity, skin health
Shower and Skincare (min. moisturizer) Energy boost, kickstart the day
Exercise Energy increase, build strength
Meditation Mental health and resilience
Morning Miracle Routine Successful life = successful years = successful days = successful mornings

Progressive Steps

Time Period 1 Time Period 2 Extra Tasks Status
04-11 (5) 5-10(4) 10
11-04 (4) 12-03 (2) 12
Progress out of 9 Progress out of 8 Extra (+/-)

15 Nov: (5 PM)

Task Benefits Status
Avoid Deliberate Distractions Control over thoughts and actions—Virtual/Real/Imagination
Get Out of the Room (if not studying) No lying on bed (except for sleep)
Get Out of Home at Least Once Sun, fresh air, physical activity, skin health
Shower and Skincare (min. moisturizer) Energy boost, kickstart the day
Exercise Energy increase, build strength
Meditation Mental health and resilience
Morning Miracle Routine Successful life = successful years = successful days = successful mornings

Progressive Steps

Time Period 1 Time Period 2 Extra Tasks Status
04-11 (5) 5-10(4) 10
11-04 (4) 12-03 (2) 12
Progress out of 9 Progress out of 8 Extra (+/-)
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@PrDr Keep going brother. You know my best wishes are always with you

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Thanks brother, your presence and support means a lot to me. Even in the toughest of days, when I’d wanna throw up, its few people like you in my life whose presence always gives me hope and strength, and vision of an eternal light beyond all this darkness. I always only wish the best for you as well, brother. :people_hugging:

Idk why but I feel like this is the last phase of my struggle… things haven’t been the way we’d want in past couple of months, but I still feel very confident that things will change for the better now.

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yep. The fruits of hardwork take time to grow but when they are ripe they are a brilliant harvest.

Keep working :fire:

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