[22M] Pingpong1 diary - PERSEVERANCE

Bro , Honestly I cannot give you good advice regarding academics because I am in a low phase associated with it.

Regarding procrastination, I believe there’s an improvement in me compared to last few months. Still distractions persist though , but improvement is visible.

What I did is I started to clearly define what I have to do today before I start my studies. I generally write all those in my diary.

Then I would set in my mind what I will be doing first by prioritizing.

But there would be days things sucks , in those days I just make sure I don’t curse myself. I may write negative situations in my diary like I procastinated for 5 hours but I will always try not to call myself a lazy asshole etc. because I believe these titles with get imprinted in our mind and it may use against you.

So in short

  1. Clearly define what you have to do before doing it

  2. Don’t beat yourself up after failure.

Honestly I need a lot to improve these days, but honestly these steps have helped me beat procrastination to some extent


Sorry for being a long lecture there. I am used to the habit of writing long lectures in my diary these days :joy::joy::joy:. So literally my replies these days are long too.


No need bro. Actually it made sense. Your second point is valid. I heard it many times forgets everytime. We don’t have to curse ourselves for procastination .


Just saw your bio that you want to join IIT. Are you looking for any entrance coaching or referring any textbook.

I am also looking for IIT as my short term goal.


Exergic online coaching. I bought it’s video course. It’s fine


Even I struggle with the same…just lying around…when I have tonnes of work to be done…

One tip I got from a friend who’s doing MTech is, you got to have exams to be consistent…
Most of us study due to exams…if there’s no exam nearby…why study?!

So, keep giving tests frequently, so though you won’t study for studying; you got to study for the test…

In that way…keep giving small tests frequently and try studying for that…


Rising lion after few years
:- a doctor, an IAS, an engineer, an entrepreneur, an astronaut, a scientist, nf leggy, rc’s admin, etc.

Rising lion :- And i took that personally.

You are amazing bhai , hats off.



I follow the same, but I do this before sleeping rather than before starting studies next day.

That’s a good advice, what you can do @pingpong1is to keep a fixed time when you’ll give test for a particular subject, that way you will be motivated to finish the subject before that time, you know your schedule so you can easily do this I think.


Sholt - Rising lion after few years
:- a doctor, an IAS, an engineer, an entrepreneur, an astronaut, a scientist, nf leggy, rc’s admin, etc.

And a man with a millions of diaries :joy::joy::joy:

Sholt - You are amazing bhai , hats off.

Shukriya bhai :raised_hands:

Samaranjay - follow the same, but I do this before sleeping rather than before starting studies next day.

I would also like to do that but I am concerned I may relapse if I am too late.

These days I want to sleep as early as possible otherwise relapse can happen

PS - Where the fuck is my quote option :sneezing_face::sneezing_face::sneezing_face:


Shit bro . You had to write again … Man feeling bad for the translator of the app now :laughing::wink:
@debellator pls resolve his issue


Pingpong - Ash_Matt pls resolve his issue

I am damn sure , he did this to me :joy::joy::joy: ( Jk ) , The moment I started trolling him on the basis of no. of diaries I have, at that moment, I lost my quote option.

( Fyi there was a rule made by ash that a person can have only 1 diary. Samaranjay tagged me having 8 diaries. And I started to troll Ash. He then showed me the power of a moderator :triumph: )


@debellator , I am trying to be funny, Don’t take seriously my friend :slightly_smiling_face:


Ya Ash Matt have some serious powers on this app. :laughing::joy:
Hamcker boy


Oh I didn’t know about this. But i think having another diary makes previous one lock.


Writing down goals takes 5 minutes tops man :joy:, how can it make you late, I don’t get it.

Nah it remains open until you ask a moderator to lock it.


@The_integrous_one , For you , it may take 5 minutes. For me it takes almost 45 minutes. I used to take mini breaks in between when my fingers feel numb after a lot of typing :joy::joy::joy:


@Strong_one bhai, Do you have anti screen challenge with u now ?


I didn’t make that rule. Taher made that rule, I’m just making sure people follow it.

which I don’t use often. With great power comes great responsibility :stuck_out_tongue:


Well not now but seeing my performance I am thinking to restart it again :laughing:


Bro . From where taher is from? Tell us about him.