(21M) Rewire's Transformation Journey 2023-24 šŸ”„

I donā€™t think shaving it is necessary. Keep it buzzed for 2 months or so. Thatā€™s my plan. Iā€™m gonna get a buzz cut tomorrow. Will have the same haircut till the end of the year


Okay bro will do it again ! And yeah itā€™s best coz it worries when I see few hair on my towel or hand !


@rewire_user has taken Saitamaā€™s hairfall seriously I guess :joy:.
Also I want to let you know @rewire_user my hair also used to fall a lot but now a days it has reduced a lot, I think the main reason for that is because I have not taken a single hot shower in past 3 months, earlier I always used to wash my hair with hot water as @GOVIND-19 told me, hot water causes a lot of damage to hair so if you are washing your hair with hot water just donā€™t do it.
Apart from this, what I do is apply shampoo while bathing, dry my hair and apply oil afterwards (I donā€™t apply oil when I have some party tk attend or some guests are visiting). But main reason is washing my hair consistently with cold shower
And also if you have a family history of hairfall, your hairfall might be due to heredity, thereā€™s a high chance of going bald with age if itā€™s hereditary. I also have that, my grandma was bald, my father is also quite bald, my uncle too. So thereā€™s that. But you can minimise it if you take proper care.
Also keeping long hair might also be a reason for more hairfall, itā€™s hard to clean lower part of hair if you have long hait, so it is advisable to cut them short if you are experiencing hairfall (I did the same)


Dude, check ur uncles on ur mothers side (ur motherā€™s brothers), if they have gone bald early, then mostly likely youā€™ll experience hairfall due to genetics. Some people have skin more sensitive to DHT, theyā€™re more likely to have acne, beard and baldness.

@The_integrous_one Sorry bro, I relapsed few days ago, Iā€™ll stay behind you for the journey I guessšŸ˜‘ Basically I got a triggering notification from reddit, I literally blocked all 18+ content on reddit but they still just slammed it on my face. Now, I deleted reddit and itā€™s fine now. I went to live in a farmhouse with my friends for a few days and it was great and but then I fell ill now. Good luck for GATE thošŸ‘


I too wash my hair daily with cold water brother never used hot water since 3-4 months and Use shampoo twice a week ! But donā€™t know why and how suddenly this started to happen ! I am going to get it cut very short tomorrow and I apply coconut oil too but still little bit of hair is still falling !


I am 18 bro ! But yeah I know I too might face it due to genetics but not this early :joy: :joy: had decided to get it short tomorrow for sure and not worry too much about it !


Donā€™t worry man. Not too behind, youā€™ll make it. @alphadude

Happens, I have installed reddit app just to read articles from Man donā€™t fap community, else I never open reddit, itā€™s just stupid :joy:

Thanks bro. Itā€™s 3 and a half months later though.


I use shampoo everyday :joy:, donā€™t know if itā€™s good or bad but been doing that a long time. If I donā€™t apply shampoo for 2 days my head starts itching.
I also use coconut oil.

Yeah thatthatā€™s a good idea. If you have short hair and even if they fall, you wonā€™t care about it because they are barely noticeable :joy:, mindhack


Oh is that so. Isnā€™t hairfall related to paternal family as well?


I was researching about baldness too, and then I read this specific line somewhere.
Theres also a theory that MO or PMO temporarily increases DHT and causes baldness. Tbh I think NF increases testosterone in the long run and should make you more manlieršŸ¤”.

Even if people get bald, theres also some psychology that some women prefer bald ppl more, as this chad head is a sign of high status.
You can see this with prince of England and his wife.


thatā€™s right. DHT is a form of oestrogen if Iā€™m not wrong, so yeah it causes baldness.

Regardless, if youā€™re confident youā€™ll get it


Thatā€™s true. It does. Hence the attractiveness part of benefits

Well said :fire::100:


Why are you scaring the poor boy like that. Itā€™s probably something simple which will fix itself soon.


Lol thatā€™s true :joy::joy:


Got my head shaved today ! :joy: :joy: There was hell lot of dandruff never thought I would have this much dandruff I take bath daily !


Damn :joy::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
Saitama pfp, saitama pfp, saitama pfp.


It was on the way decision I thought I will cut it just short but then while cutting the barber was showing me my hair breaking very much ! So, I decided to get it clean once ! and I guess the main reason for hairfall was dandruff and yeah it might be seasonal too others are facing too now ! they are doing the same as me becoming saitama ! :joy: :joy:


Nice nice.
But one question, if there was a lot of dandruff, how did you not realise it? Did you have very long hair?




Not that much but in the roots it was like settled down ! And I didnā€™t realized it because I had short hair in which 24/7 I used to apply a lot of oil :sweat_smile: and Donā€™t touch my hair thinking might break !