[21m] NukePizza [Diary] - Making my dream real

New things I discovered (from reading Principles by Ray Dalio)

  • good results will come to you when you add the first tinder, the power will come to you when you begin. I felt like reading and writing this evening again was a chore, then I started, now I feel immersed and greatly engaged. This always occurs. It has never failed me.

  • Finding a good solution depends on the amount of diagnosis. Its is very commonly underappreciated and one tries to diagnose and then find a solution in one go. This is premature, there should be a lot of uninterrupted time spent on just doing the diagnosis of the problem. It should not be interrupted by premature solutions

I had a very strange experience today. I was coerced into joining a workshop or I would lose my job as a tutor. Very strange situation. Difficult to explain it all. Basically they have a doctrine and want to indoctrinate me and I asked if its manadatory and refused. She basically told me today that if I refuse, she will find a way to fire me, despite it not being mandatory. Thats quite a strange situation. Thats direct coercion. Its also difficult to find a way of action to this situation.

My action is this: I will attend the course and dodge everything, participate as little as possible and if its unbearable and they try to push me into something, I ll quit then and there. FUck them


Consistency is more important than quality

I am jack tired today, I cannot think properly and I want to head to bed but I will write down one thing today! One improvement!

Things to improve
Quickest way to learn is to act, I should get into an interactive tutorial and learn more about cybersecurity that way

I want to land at a result as soon as possible and if I dont land on one I should make changes to my procedure. What result do I want to achieve? I want to start recording the videos for the course by the end of the week. I pretty much just need to spend more time working on the course to achieve that.