[21 M] Enamya's Diary

I was in 9th grade when I first interd the hole. I always heard he word M but never knew it’s meaning. One day a firend of mine explained it to me. And that was my beginning, I started by masturbating to female in ads then moved to female in music song and finaly to porn.
Now I am in a real hell, I do pmo twice a day. But this day is going to be my start. The start of my road to becoming a great man.


I set up the clock to wake me up at 6:00
But woke up then went to sleep till 7:15, then fought myself in order to leave bed at 8:15.
I prayed, ate breakfast then went for a walk.
Listen to some podcasts about soft skills, spanish and other things.
At 18:00 I relapsed, got up took a shower and then stoped for the rest of the day. I used to do M for 2-3 times a day and now it is only once. I guess it is a reasonable improvement.
Then did this:
*Finished 2 courses on lynda.
*Made my linkedin profile more professional
Hope I manage to stop forever.

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Welcome ,
@Enamya I hope that you will enjoy this forum and to make your own plan and inspire all the companion in here by your changes .


Thanks friend. HOPE i inspire you and everyonr to achieve their goal.


I planned to wake up at 6:00 but woke up at 8:15
I ate breakfast, learned some seo on lynda, then worked on a project, ate lunch then did some mindless stuffs. Then took a shower. And talked with a friend.
No relapse today and no urge. Great in the overall

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Yesterday. I woke up at 7:00, prayed, then went tk visit the family, spent the day with family memebers. No relapses or urges yesterday. I think the biggest reason for pmo is loneliness, so I should try to have friends or something.

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The day after, I woke up at 8:00 then relapsed in the morning, This means that the relapse is due to the feeling of loneliness after the holidays is one of the reasons. Then did some work, I also noticed that when I relapse i am more likely to work on the project I need. Which is weird. But probably due to the willpower been exhausted on fighting urges.