[20's M] Line's Diary

I had 2 weeks where I was doing good. Felt good to pass 7 days again after months.
My energy was up and down, mainly I believe because of coffee and not always eating healthy as I was eating with friends outside a lot. But it still felt amazing to be free.
What helped: Change of environment.
Now I when I came home I fell for it.
What didn’t help: feeling aimless, not being sure what the future holds or what my passion and talent truly is.


2 days complete
Getting up from the setback slowly
But today up until the evening was not good. I dont ever want to feel that bad again in my life.
Right now better though


I promise to give it my all to overcome this ‘flatline’ and get to 7 days. After that I can decide if I want to continue or not


4 days :white_check_mark:
Feeling better each day.
Just want to reduce coffee as I couldn’t fall asleep for couple hours each night. Just on day 2 I could sleep at the right time and I had the best sleep in my life. I remember waking up and feeling this joy for a moment.
Also some old injuries flared up, so I can’t do my normal workout and let out this energy. But I did some leg workout instead + some rehab exercises. I remember I had it for almost two months, with pain increasing and decreasing. But I did the rehab exercises. And then one day I woke up and had no pain at all. I was so surprised. And I was able to get into the best shape of my life.
I hope this time God cures it aswell in a miraculous way. I’m gonna make sure that I don’t increase the weight in my training as quickly.
Besides that, I want to increase my ‘meditation’ or mindfulness rather and also try a week of more silence and no music besides nature sounds. But I feel it’s too early now, maybe in the second week. Right now, music has been a helpful distraction in the evenings.


I fell for it on the 7th day. It did help me to promise it.
Now after a week, again i fell for it.
I wish I was on 2 weeks streak like I was not too long ago when I was travelling.


2 days completed :white_check_mark:
Yesterday I started weight lifting again slowly as my elbow is feeling better.
Today I went mountain🏔️ biking.
That’s why I am feeling better, more confident.
I have been eating healthier. Eating a lot of vegetables each day. I just want to slowly reduce my coffee from 2 to 1 cup and then completely.
For that reason I have only kept enough :coffee: for a week. I hope I can do it. It would make me calmer. And make me feel more refreshed after waking in the morning :sunrise: well after some weeks, but still worth it.


2 days :white_check_mark:

To be transparent and honest. Day 2 it is. But I have taken the decision to leave my wifi at my brothers place for the time being. I just downloaded some tutorials, some background music for studying and some old classical inspiring movies.
I thought to myself if nothing changes nothing changes. I feel like making it harder to access for a few weeks will help me as I’m so tired of that stupid stuff that’s robbing me of my life time and of any joy with my friends and loved ones. I want to grow up. Enough is enough.

I have reduced my coffee :coffee:. For that I’m proud of myself. Also gotten back to training more intensely.
I’m excited, at the same time I know it won’t be always easy. I might get emotions that resurface. Memories long forgotten might resurface. I might get the realization that I was wrong. That I did something so stupid again and again. That I essentially harmed myself and my life a thousand times, and I might be buffed as to how I could do something like that. But it came from wrong connections. My brain made wrong connection when I was young and saved it. Much like how you might look press X while working on an important project. It happened. Unintentionally. Important thing is to not berate yourself for having been there. More important is that you are free now.

Also one realization I have had recently, addictions thrive as we focus solely on the past. Focusing on the Allmighty, and the meeting with him that is yet to come, makes us more balanced. By focusing on that important meeting and appointment that is yet to come (by doing good deeds) we snatch out of the shortsightedness that made us live in the past and anchored in the last, we become focused on a more important thing than what happened to us in the past. I’m so glad I came to this realization.


4 days complete.

Living without internet for the most part. Doing some exercise, albeit at a slower pace. Going outside more. Got motivation to do all the house chores that were waiting for me. I was surprised at that. I believe reducing internet strengthened my mind.


Day 7. So happy about this.


This If you are in day 70 How much happy u will


So true :slight_smile: Thanks bro.
Day 9 today.


I did fall for it after 10 days, truth be told.
I didn’t even have any desire for it, expect after getting back to it. I feel mixed emotions. On one hand, I now know I can go quite long without watching or consuming that content. On the other hand I don’t know if I can go without some type of release and I’m wondering if I should allow myself to engage in M without watching content after 8-10 days. I know that would still be progress in my book. But I need to ponder on that

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Day 2 now. Feel slightly better


3 days completed.
Today I had more energy. Took my long walk without breaks. Cleaned and tidied (never used this word before lol) my whole home for a couple hours. It has something to it that’s healing I tell ya. Maybe why some monks do cleaning each day for many hours.
But drinking too much coffee, so I want to reduce that slowly again


5 days completed in couple hours.
Now, slightly more energy. Looking a bit better. I have been eating a plate full of vegatables each morning, so I have made a habit of that. Never thought I could eat this much veggies. I’m going on walks each day again aswell


I struggled each nitght for a week unfortunately.
But now for the first time I’m past 1 day mark.

Now 2 days clean since a long time.
Started working out since yesterday. Doing some sort of meditation for longer than 20 mins seems to help me

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3 days complete. Man, I feel good again. Walking much more confidently.
It was not even that difficult. Why didn’t I take this path right after I had fallen last week. But it’s ok. I focus on now.

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4 days complete.
Feeling better.

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