(20M) Rewire's Transformation Journey 2023-24 šŸ”„

I just donā€™t know what I was doing !
But I take full ownership of the relapse.
I am sorry everyone !
Why is this thing affecting my studies.
My friends jerk off too but they study as well.
But why am I not able to !
Never the less, I donā€™t want to give excuses !
Will rise again.
Will Fight and this time will fight harder.
I will be free before my exam.
Will not let this destroy my life.


They must be lying , fapping is inversely proportional to concentration.

Rise back , you can do it.


Itā€™s because they donā€™t know their full potential what they can achieve if they are on no fap, they have gotten used to studying with less focus, but you my friend are a no fapper and you know what it feels like to study when you are on no fap. So come on rise like the sun, donā€™t let this addiction hinder your full potential :fire:.


Whatā€™s your mindset brother when urges hit you ? @The_integrous_one

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You took the words right out of my mouth!


But I still feel that keep studying despite you fap will be a better strategy than getting depressed over the relapse and leaving everything.


Thanks everyone ! For the support.

Will not lose this time.


I get very less urges now a days, there are some from time to time but I just ignore them also the sublimation exercise that nofapstar posted is too great man, I have incorporated that in my kriya yoga routine. Honestly after reading easy peasy I donā€™t pay attention to urges anymore and just keeping doing whatever I feel like doing. Sometimes I just look at my streak and say ah why go back to that useless addiction when I am already happy.


Just told that from experience bro, I used to do the same earlier just fapped everyday and still studied but now I know that was not the right way, our society is messed up now a days for treating fapping as normal way of life.


Agreed bro. Even my friends are like why man itā€™s good, I am like itā€™s just completely BS to think that it actually is good for you. The benefits we get from nofap are next level. The society is soo sexual nowadays :man_facepalming:t2:


100 percent right :fire::fire::+1::+1:


@anon65589122 bro I can give advice for this too, how to manage studies despite PMO but I donā€™t want people to go in that direction, that is not our aim here, our aim here is to completely leave that addiction and live life Normally the way we are supposed to :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.


Ah mate , wise words there.

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Dude , your friends are kinda sus, not only are they taking themselves down, they are taking others as well along with them.

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Well said bro. Yes to completely leave it we have to give it required attention. We canā€™t really just ignore it.


You are in wrong mindset :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:. The person who is jerking off, they have very low focus and concentration. They need more time and energy to study a single chapter, where you can easily complete those chapters.
You donā€™t know the power of no fap. They are telling lie, if they are telling true wait for 5 years, you can see downfall in their life


We should think this deeply. They are watching ā– ā– ā– ā– , but also they are doing hard work and studying constantly. But if you are thinking only about no fap, and struggling in this phase, thinking about no pmo, and see you are not studying properly like them. So decide who will win in this battle??? Definitely them. But in a long run of marathon, you will win. So
no fap is just 2 litres petrol in your bike, if you have petrol then donā€™t think bike will automatically reach you in your destination, you have to ride the bike properly
At last no fap, fap no pmo nothing depends on your career, you have to do hardwork, making proper schedule, focusing on daily routine, then you will not worry about a single day of no fap. Itā€™s easy to complete.


Yeah I have been dealing with the same dilemma for few days. I have been focusing on nofap sometimes so much that others seem to be getting ahead. But yeah it should be worth it in long term.


I get it brother ! Thanks for the support and amazing motivation
Never the less, I will not try, I will definitely give my best shot this time !
Wish the same for all of you !
You will have win over this !

You might lose the battle, But we ainā€™t gonna lose the war :fire:

Stay Strong :muscle:


Might be useful Itā€™s in Hindi language