[20M] Cavedweller's diary

Was recommended by another used to make one. As of today I have already fully relapsed twice. I already feel crappy because of a varicocele on my left family jewel, and just overall fatigue and pain on the daily basis. I’ll try to stay fairly consistent with this. I’ve always been very bad at commitments. Trying is always better than not doing it at all though. Yeah anyways to sum I’ve relapsed twice and I feel like crap. I’ll keep in touch.


Welcome :blush: and best of luck bro. I hope you successfully achieve your goals and quit this crap.

Journal your thoughts after a relapse and what led to it. You’ll soon becoming more wiser and will learn to tackle your urges better. :v:



I probably should have gotten here way earlier. Over this past week there has been a lot more relapsing. Not fun at all. My hip has been hurting it has been way too much. It’s become autopilot to choke my chicken in the morning. Throughout the day if I see a single urge i end up either going to a bathroom or back to the dorms to do the deed. I’m a very stubborn guy, so it’s real hard to kick this habit when I automatically fight myself back and look in every nook and cranny for solutions that I’ve created. Help me out give me some ways to stay on track. Thanks.

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What do you use as fap material? Remove it from your life.