2021 Unik new penalty challenging group "DARE TO CHALLENGE" You can do better if you believe that you can"


Sharing code - No sharing code (I am using only forum)
Current streak - 8 days
Highest streak - 72 days
Age - 22
Gender - M
Location - INDIA

Why I want to create a group - To get rid of this addiction, to help this community and to develop this app…



Take risks in your life,
If you win,
You can lead,
If you lose,
You can guide.

“If you don’t challenge yourself, you will never realize what you can become.”

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

“Accept the challenge so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”

“Why not spend money on yourself and look good instead of wasting it”…


  1. In this group you have to pay money if you relapse before reaching your target


You can select any one target :point_down:

  1. 1000 days challenge ---- 150 Rupees
  2. 180 days challenge ---- 120 Rupees
  3. 140 days challenge ---- 90 Rupees
  4. 90 days challenge ---- 60 Rupees
  5. 60 days challenge ---- 80 Rupees
  6. 45 days challenge ---- 100 Rupees
  7. 30 days challenge ---- 120 Rupees
  8. 15 days challenge ---- 150 Rupees
  9. 3 days challenge ----200 Rupees

Other than indians
You can pay amount with your currency equal to ____ amount of rupees

Payment Methods

For one time payment

you can paypal - tahercool1@yahoo.co.in
Indian users can UPI , rewire-companion@icici


1.In this race. there will be a winner or winners from the group.For example, if anyone Reach there target will be the winner.
2. Give your age,sharing code, sex, married or single and also date of joining…
3. When joining the competition, you should add yourself in the scoreboard at the bottom.
4. Please add yourself in the scoreboard in the format in which others put their details.
5. In bottom of comments there is an option. Change it from Tracking to Watching to receive group notifications.
6. You must not update your streak on the scoreboard …(Only once at the time of joining…)
7. If you relapse before you reach your target…then you have to pay money to this app…
8. And you should send screenshot as proof…by editing your username on it…so, No one can send same image…
9. Once you join you can’t leave…
10. If you get any technical problem then contact @Taher

Payment Methods

For one time payment

you can paypal - tahercool1@yahoo.co.in
Indian users can UPI , rewire-companion@icici

6. You must not update your streak on the scoreboard …(Only once at the time of joining…)


You are back @NEW_CHALLENGER ??
Great to see you again man. You helped a lot of friends through your magnificent challenges. This time, lets slay the deamon once and for all. We are together :muscle::muscle::muscle:


If I accepted a challenge, and complete then who will give me money?? If someone wants to challenge, then I am ready.


This looks great… I am in


Im in yo :white_check_mark:
No check ins necessary everyday I presume


Thanks brother @Tagore :blush:

You will get more valuable thing than money…Your life… :sweat_smile:

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@Taher please create a scoreboard…

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Targets :bow_and_arrow:

1000 days challenge ---- 150 Rupees

180 days challenge ---- 120 Rupees

140 days challenge ---- 90 Rupees

  1. The_wild_perception (852673)

90 days challenge ---- 60 Rupees

  1. KarmaYogi (thxmdu) M :india: 12 days (May 5)

60 days challenge ---- 80 Rupees

45 days challenge ---- 100 Rupees

30 days challenge ---- 120 Rupees

15 days challenge ---- 150 Rupees

3 days challenge ---- 200 Rupees

Lol… It’s cheating… :joy::joy:

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Why 15 days and 1000 days hv same rewards?

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I am in. Looks interesting.

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please update yourself in scoreboard…

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I have updated the board…

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