As a fellow Brahmachari, I am thankful for your knowledge.

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:white_check_mark: Wake up (4 am)
:white_check_mark: Make my bed
:white_check_mark: Deep work (2 hour)
Yoga at 6:30 am:
:white_check_mark: Sookshma Vyayam, Soorya namaskar, asanas
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam- bhastrika, Kapalbanti, agnisar, shithali breath, anulom vilom, bhramri
:white_check_mark: Jalandhar bandha
:white_check_mark: Meditation (15 mins)
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Affirmation and Visualization
:white_check_mark: Cycling- evening (1 hours)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower at 7
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (Practice of Brahmacharya)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening + Upanishads
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: No phone
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating + Mitahara
:white_check_mark: Evening Meditation (10 mins)
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow
:white_check_mark: Sleep before 11

Know that in this world there is nothing that cannot be attained by one who remains…a perfect celibate… In one person, knowledge of the four Vedhas, and in another perfect celibacy- of these, the latter is superior to the former who is wanting in celibacy- The Mahabharata

Completed 100 days of freedom.

No peeking, no lustful look at girls, no fantasising nothing. Feeling like living at the top of my game

Now, Akhanda Brahmacharya till marriage or grihastaram.


Well done Mr . Tagore well done :running_woman: here you go :woman_cartwheeling::running_woman:
Aller aller aller :woman_cartwheeling::running_woman:
Goo goo goo :woman_cartwheeling::running_woman:
Aller aller aller :woman_cartwheeling::weight_lifting_man:

I’m so happy for you … :muscle::muscle:

Be happy with getting your 100 days

Long pass
Hard work you did it with honest and commitment .

Be proud always about yourself man


Shine on , flame on :fire::muscle: .


@Tagore You have set new standard for us too. I am also planning to observe AKHANDA BRAHMACHARYA VRATA FOR 3 YEARS i.e. for 1094 DAYS. It is because ■■■■ has done a lot of harm to me. 90 days will be too little. I know i cannot be recovered in just 90 days. Iam preparing myself mentally and physically. I will take SANKALPA on 14 th may.i.e. on Akshaya Tritiya Day.

@Tagore Congratulations on your big day :clap::clap:


Thanks brother @Adioz_aka_Adidas, @Dvija and sister @NhTbH
This is just the beginning. I don’t believe in nofap now. Nofap and no pmo are all temporary solution to the temporary addictions of our life. Now my 100% focus is on Brahmacharya/ celibacy. Purity in words, hearing, viewing and thinking. No lustful thoughts, no lustful words; only focus is the purpose of my life and the the supreme or Atman.
We are together. We all wil achieve not 1,000 but 100 years of no pmo streak.


April 17

:white_check_mark: Make my bed
Yoga in the morning:
:white_check_mark: Sookshma Vyayam, Soorya namaskar, asanas
:white_check_mark: Om Chanting
:white_check_mark: Pranayam- bhastrika, Kapalbanti, agnisar, shithali breath, anulom vilom, bhramri
:white_check_mark: Jalandhar bandha
:white_check_mark: Meditation (10 mins)
:white_check_mark: Shavasan
:white_check_mark: Affirmation and Visualization
:white_check_mark: Evening workout (1 hours)
:white_check_mark: Cold shower- evening
:white_check_mark: Vajrasana after lunch
:white_check_mark: Reading (Practice of Brahmacharya)
:white_check_mark: Pray in the evening + Upanishads
:white_check_mark: No TV
:white_check_mark: No phone
:white_check_mark: No junk food
:white_check_mark: Mindful eating + Mitahara
:white_check_mark: Evening Meditation (10 mins)
:white_check_mark: Plan for tomorrow

:x: Wake up (8 am)
:x: Deep work (1 hour)
:x: Sleep before 11


Dude. Be careful with going full Brahmacharya. Once you tell your brain that you ain’t getting sex no more. It makes the urges and thoughts come back at double. It is the way of testing.
For me, my worst streaks have been when I decided to go full brahmacharya.

In fact, I even stopped eating onions and spices as they recommend. It is not useful to be honest. The real root problem is in the thoughts. We have hooked our brains on to needing that sexual release all the time. We have to rewire it. and that can be done by letting those old patterns die. Stop focussing on NoFap, or even Brahmacharya. Focus entirely on purpose.

And by the way, do you know what Brahmacharya really is ? It is about connecting with God. Celibacy is just a part of it. It is about the Acharan of The Brahma, the eternal.

So rather than focussing on celibacy, no Sex, no PMO all these things. Be more spiritual, and try connecting with God.

THE BLISS OF CONNECTING WITH BRAHMAN (The Eternal) / God is infinitely GREATER than the sexual pleasures, drugs or anything that we get. When we are at that stage this shit drops automatically. Because we realize how limited it is.

Anyway, I am no expert. Just saying, dont focus on these things. In fact try to quit this forum and reduce the no. of NoFap thoughts / PMO / Sex / Celibacy thoughts as you are creating a deeper and stronger network in your brain. Which will make it harder to quit.


Again, I am nobody to advise you as I am struggling myself. Just what I am learning from my failures.

Like Edison, I dont consider myself a failure but rather I found a million ways not to do NOFAP


Yes, brother I understand your words @TheFinalFrontier . I know, I have been doing a lot of reading and research on the topic. Brahmacharya is only one among the 10 yama and 10 niyama which is only a part of Yoga and achieving union with Brahman. Even, one Upanishad that Iam reading now- Yogachoodamani Unpanishad says that Mitahara or moderation in eating food is greater and important than all the rest 9 yamas.
But, Brahmacharya, in the sense that I understand is a way of life. Avoiding lust for the opposite s** in everyway. Making our words, thoughts, actions as pure as a twinkling crystal and free from lust. Finally converting veerya into Ojas Shakti for Brian through Pranayama, asanas, bandhas and purity of thoughts.
Even though we won’t reach the position of Swami Vivekananda or Shankara we can purify ourselves. We can practice hatha yoga, Mitahara, fasting, avoid all the negative emotions,wake up at 4 am, do Meditation, Soorya namaskar other asanas, practice satsanga, develop viveka and viaragya.
Through hatha Yoga we can achieve the union with Brahman. asanas, Pranayama, mudra, Bandha and kriya are the ways to achieve samadhi through hatha Yoga system.
I am only in the preparation stage brother. But, Iam nothing. I know Iam doing this for selfish reasons as well. I want to become a great writer; I want to transmute my sexual energy for that and there is no other better way to succeed in life than this.
I have experienced it before.
When I was in 9th, 10th class I transmutted my sexual energy by reading these spiritual books and practicing yoga and focusing 100% on my passion. That was the time in my life when I was most creative and wrote most no of stories and made short films.
It is possible; now I have found that light again. We are learning. What works for you may not work for me and vice versa. Keep moving forward; we are together in this brother


Brother @JumpingBuddha , is this a right way of interpreting Brahmacharya. You are the most knowledgeable one on the topic.

1 Like

Wish you all the best. I am also ultimately aiming for this path.


Although I am fucked up at this stage

Some Asanas or yogic postures for semen retention or sexual transmutation or in the yogic terms converting veerya (semen) into Ojas Shakti for the brain.

(Above all, offcourse to avoid wet dreams. Though many other factors are also responsible for this including thought process, food habits, discipline etc these asanas and Meditation can help a lot.

  1. Shirshasana- Known as the king of Asanas. The benifits this Asana brings are inumerable and scientifically proved now. It makes the blood, oxygen etc flow into the brain like waterfalls, for each and every internal organ this is good and two, three pages are required to write about the benifits of this Asana. For us, Fapstronauts this Asana helps in convertiing semen into Ojas Shakti for the Brian.

  2. Shashngasana- queen of asanas. Innumerable benifits. Please Google it to learn more; If I decide to write all of it here then this whole day I have to sit writing about it. Along with avoiding laziness, providing self control, curing insomnia, depression it can provide you the strength for facing any hard situation in life upto the point of becoming emotionless, if you want.
    BUT DAILY PRACTICE IS NEEDED for months and years but just by doing for 2 days itself you’ll start reaping benifits

  3. Siddhasana- Known as the perfect pose. It is written in Maharishi Patanjali’s text that if you Practice siddhasana for 12 years + thoughts on self and Brahman you can achieve Moksha or liberation. This is one of the best Asanas to control sexual urges, lust etc. Along with reducing stress, keeping the mind alert, calming the nervous system, activating the chakra which helps in awakening kundalini energy it helps in practicing celibacy by stabilizing and improving sexual energy due to the position of the heels of the leg. To learn more Google or search in YouTube.

  4. Matyasana- Practice this after doing Sirshana and Saravangasana (both of them together called viparitha karani mudra) to reap the total benifits of viparitha karani mudra. This is very helpful for general health, improves immunity and much more.

  5. Paschimottanasana and padahasthasan- Allows the prana move through sushumna Nadi which allows the kundalini to awaken, strengthens and purifies it. Calms the brain, relieve stress, avoids mild depression and much more. Above all, by making the blood flow fastly into the Brian your mental strength will improve drastically. There are inumerable other health benifits as well. Google!

  6. Sashangasan- do it before going into Sirshanasan. Blood flows into the brain, helps in converting sexual energy into Ojas Shakti for brain.

  7. Maha Bandha- To simply define this in the words of a yoga master: “the purpose of bandhas is to move prana up the Sushumna (the main channel for the flow of nervous energy up the spinal column). This upward movement of energy is the goal of yoga in the classical sense of the word”. In scientific terms bandhas influence the secretion of hormones released by the pineal gland i.e., dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin etc. Rewiring will be faster, brain power increases, spirituality improves. It stimulates the function of whole endocrine system therefore helps control your mood, growth and development, the way our organs work, metabolism and reproduction. Revitilize each and every cell in the body, prepares the mind for deeper Meditation and much more.

  8. Pranayama - The best thing you can do for semen retention and to uplift your life instantly. Bhastrika and anulom vilom are very helpful for Brahmacharya. There are many easy and powerful Pranayams you can practice including Kapalbanti (revitalise the whole body. Like Sirshasana, its benifits are inumerable), agnisar, shithali breath, anulom vilom, Bramri, bhastrika etc.

  9. Ashwini mudra- very helpful for semen retention, sexual health, awakening the dormant of kundalini Shakti etc. Much more health benefits like cures all the diseases of rectum and anus, cures constipation, controls prana that tends to move downward and escape from the body and turns the prana upward, conquers stress and depression and much more.

  10. Omkar Chating or Gayatri mantra if interested. It purifies the mind. It can be used for Meditation.

Do this regularly to reap real benefits.

To achieve real strength of semen retention along with Asanas and pranayama eradicate lust from your mind- make thoughts pure i.e., view mother in all girls including p*stars, or view what is inside their body- viens, blood, bones, secretion and internal organs with vomit-producing smell, do fasting, Practice mitahara or moderation in food, avoid negative emotions, wake up at 4 am- most of the wet dreams take place in the 4th quarter of sleep, so if you wake up at 3 or 4, you can avoid many of them, Meditation, Soorya namaskar, satsanga or good company etc.

As I learn about more about Asanas and Brahmacharya I’ll update, for interested people.

For people who are looking for a good start in yoga, this is a good one :point_down::point_down:

Brother @JumpingBuddha do you know any other asanas that can be tied along with it?


I am currently reading a book on headspace ( meditation) and also wanted to pickup a book on Brahmacharya like Swami Vivekananada or likewise.

Any recommendations ?


You are right in the sense. In my understanding, Celibacy and semen retention is actually first and important step towards this.

You are right that the brahmacharya requires purity of body, mind and soul- it’s actual form.

We are actually inherently pure, we just need to clear the outside dirt of physicality (Maya) by being aware of the real truth.

I am not brother. Still learningand trying to improve, just like you and any other companions.



You pretty much covered many of them. In my personal experience Uddiyana Bandha and Moola Bandha have great benefits. Also I would recommend not to jump directly to Mahabandha, Mahavedhi, Khechri etc. First one should master the basic bandhas like Jalandhar, Uddiyana and Mool Bandha.

For physical benefits I would also recommend Surya namaskar.

Also a small piece of advice- Rather than doing multiple asanas,mudras or bandhas at once. Eg. One can choose either shirsasana or sarvangasana. They have pretty much similar benefits.

Start slowly according to one’s capabilities and comfort(may vary person to person) and most importantly “Do It The Right Way”.

All the best.


As a complete newbie, one who is absolutely unknown of Brahmacharya but wants to practice it and become a Brahmachari, what would you tell him to do?

A book to guide him through all steps or all the things to do in the right sequence?


satyarth prakash @zorim … And if he knows Hindi , then I will say search on YouTube Agni Dev Arya see all videos of him…
Because he is a real brahmachari and only a real bal brahmachari can give you the knowledge


Brother @zorim , sorry for the late reply. Iam also a newbie, learning and experimenting.
But, I read the book Practice of Brahmacharya by Swami Sivananda which was pretty useful as an introduction to the topic. Read it with an open mind, there are many useful content in it- like the asanas which are useful, many great tips for Brahmacharya etc. Some advices may be too hard to digest, so take what you find useful. You can easily find it online.
Above all, do hatha yoga along with Brahmacharya. Do Asanas, Pranayama etc. Most importantly eat moderately. There are many other books, currently Iam going through- conquering sex by Mahatma Gandhi, the coiled Serpent which gives the western perspective of celibacy etc.

Here you can find some useful content on the topic. :point_up_2: collected it mainly from @JumpingBuddha 's diary and other threads.


There is one person I know personally who uplifted his life and soul to a really higher plane through semen retention and sexual transmutation.

My real brother.

Like everyone of our time, he also used to watch p*** and masturbated too. While in college, he used to copy some of those filthy videos in our computer and will hide it, in the hope that I won’t reach out to it . But through my cunning mind, I used to find those hidden folders and do pmo when he was out.
I knew he used to watch this but I don’t know whether he knew about my condition. We never talked about this openly.
But one day, one fucked up incident happened. I came home from school and went to the terrace for something and I accidentally saw him doing PMO. That was a really fucked up situation. And he saw me too.
But, literally that was one of the life changing incident that happened in his life.
I acted like I didn’t see it and we never talked about it again. But from that moment on he decided to never fap again in his life. That happened when he came out from college and now 2-4 years forward he is thriving in his life like a god.
His YouTube channel has lakhs of subscribers and is living his life on fire. I don’t know any other man who is more confident and charismatic than him in social situation, picking up girls etc.
He uploads videos of picking up girls on his super bike (and he does it so easily that girls are jumping into his bike), fans are coming to my house to see him on most of the days.
He avoids sleep and edits his videos, always thinking about his next video and killing the game! Above all, his creativity is bursting out of his brain like a volcano.
I know, the number reason for his success and growth is the power of semen retention and sexual transmutation. The idea of s is gone from his mind. He is in a long term relationship with a girl and is a virgin. They talk through phone most of time and sometimes he goes to her house. By avoiding s and lustful thoughts he is on god mode, literally.
This is a real life example and anyone can achieve this.

Just control the fucking lust and transmute your sexual energy.

Become the god of your life!


:fire::fire::fire::fire: Super motivation … I took screenshot. :fire::fire::muscle::muscle: