2021 last man standing challenge

Its the journey , we fall we rise in the journey but don’t leave the journey.
I just have to say.


Check in :heavy_check_mark:
Current streak: Day 62

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Check In :- Day 235
Today I unlocked The Badge:-

𝔹𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕊𝕝𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕣. :fire:


Royal Rumble Battle IV Update :fire::fire::crossed_swords::crossed_swords:

@Karan050 is out!

@kabirashish has won the battle

Congrats brother; you have entered into the Royal Rumble Finals!! :crossed_swords::crossed_swords:



Yes , you are. You are a real beast bro @AmanJain . Keep going. :clap::clap::muscle::muscle:

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Added both of you in the 10th Royal Rumble Battle guys @dingan and @Karan050 . Give everything you’ve got. This is the most serious challenge in the forum.
Also @Karan050 this is your final chance bro. Do or die! We got this!

The warriors in the 10th Royal Rumble Battle are: @Delfin @Daichiford @zorim @George @anon60348276 @dingan and @Karan050

Please add your name and details in scoreboard guys. It’s very important


@Tagore I’m pretty sure I added my details, if I did not - age: 22M - 3jze75.

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ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

YOᑌ ᗩᖇᗴ ᗩ :fire: 𝔹𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕋 𝕊𝕃𝔸𝕐𝔼ℝ :fire:

Congratulations @AmanJain :muscle::grin::+1:



Day 8 check-in :white_check_mark:
Nothing special about today,feel better though.

Yo @Sacred seems not to be active. I hope he hasn’t relapsed. Hes the only one standing with me in royal rumble


Check in ✓
Day 75 :slightly_smiling_face:
Keep growing :muscle:

Thanks for adding me. Checking in for battle 10 as active. Good luck for you all


Check in
Day 53 completed.


Hello @Tagore & @_TIGER bro…after eliminated from Last Man standing challenge(20 Days) and Royal Rumble Challenge(20 Days) i feels very demotivated and relapses many times

Please give me a chance to join next Royal Rumble Challenge that i can fight with other participants and make a good strike

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28 years, Delfin is the name


Next royal rumble battle(10) has begun, good luck to all the rumblers @Delfin @Daichiford @Karan050
@anon60348276 @dingan @babi and @George .

Even though this is a tough battle,I hope to see you guys along with me at day 100.

Let’s Rumble!


Don’t be so disappointed…
Fall is not the Fail… Fall is the way we grow.


:boom: Your 3 BEST WEAPONS against PMO :crossed_swords: :shield: :bow_and_arrow: :boom:

Counting days while waiting for urges to decrease is the wrong method to quit PMO. You need to make the days count and get used to dealing with the urges. You will be free from PMO not when you are free from urges ( you never will as long as you are a human being ). You will be free from PMO when you will become an expert in dealing with the urges. Following are 3 most helpful tips to make you an expert so you can taste freedom:

:crossed_swords: 1/3 Physical urges:

Stay busy to defeat physical urges. Don’t fight the urges, it will get powerful if we concentrate on it. Staying busy is the ultimate weapon to defeat horniness. Staying busy for a lifelong goal and dream is better. Follow a routine. Don’t divert from it.

:shield: 2/3 Arousing thoughts and Fantasy:

Never fantasize. If a sexual though comes, just focus on something else. It just takes 5 seconds to redirect to a new thought. Entertaining a thought will increase its power and make you more horny and create powerful urges. So focus on something else.

:bow_and_arrow: 3/3 The mental war that finally decides relapse or not:

Remember your horrible feelings after EVERY. SINGLE. RELAPSE!!!. No porn will satisfy you. No masturbation will make you happy. PMO will not decrease your stress. It will not relax you. You don’t need PMO to feel good. You don’t want PMO anymore. YOU ARE NOT ATTRACTED BY PMO ANYMORE. YOU VIEW PMO AS DISGUSTING, HORRIBLE AND VOMIT PRODUCING. YOUR PAST IS PAST. NOW YOU ARE A NEW AND BETTER PERSON. AND YOU WILL NEVER EVER GO BACK TO THAT CRAP!!!.

After breaking from the conscious mental attraction of PMO, now just take a cold shower or put cold water on your privates (if you know for sure you won’t touch yourself). Then stay busy in your task. Or take a walk, socialize, eat or drink something and exercise.

Practice these. These are your weapons. Hone them. If you follow the 3 tips, i guarantee you will be setting higher and higher streak records!.
Also, read the EASY PEASY WAY book.


Check in :white_check_mark:
Current streak 4.
Could anyone help me to add my name to the board ?. I do not know where to find my sharing code. Thanks all.
Update: i found my share code and updated my details to the board :slight_smile:

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