[17 M] Rezboy247 "Hard Mode" journal

Hey man, you can’t do cocaine and box, gotta choose one or the other. Cocaine can be anything that distracting you from being a world champion , even those feelings you have for her. You either tell her what you want from her and to support for your dream, or move on.

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@Mazerunner You’re 100%, right man. I guess I just never had any experience with women so now I’m wanting to indulge with them. But now that I have a serious goal for myself it would only distract me in the short and long run. Thanks for this realization, I will text her right now and tell her if she is willing to support me, and if not I’ll get over it and move on. Seriously tho, thank you.

Haha, that’s good to know. I sometimes have a hard time explaining myself through text so I never know if I’m getting my point across :rofl:

Cus D’Amato said to Mike the journey must go on even after I won’t be here anymore, and you know how much Mike loved Cus.

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You’re right man. He tried the best he could to carry on fighting even after his mentors passing. I need to do the same and realize that life goes on if she says no or yes. She isn’t my goal, and never was. My goal in life is to push myself everyday to eventually be regarded as one of the best boxers of this era. Thank you for this lesson.

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I’m not saying to give her an ultimatum, keep her around, she can be your fuel. What I’m saying don’t let feelings for her be your cocaine. Only boxing can claim this right :facepunch:

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I’m here for spiritual support for you to become world champion, any time man. :+1:

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Ohhh okay I see what you mean, I will be sure to do that! but thanks bro, i’m glad to have you around!

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Date: 6/2/2020, Tuesday
Streak: 17 (I still can’t believe it has been that long)

So today I asked that girl if she was interested in being more than just friends at some point (through text). Her response was basically that she wanted to spend more time with me and not rush into things. So I suggested that we keep talking and hanging out more so we can eventually work up to a relationship, she said, "Yesss. I would love that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: " so hopefully we can make it work, but I am not going to celebrate just yet because she could change her mind and lose feelings, etc.

Now I can stop thinking about it so much (like I have been for the past few days) and focus on myself. I haven’t cut my social media time at all so I really need to stop getting on Snapchat for long periods of time. I will do this by only allowing myself to use it if I have someone in mind to text. Idk I’m not the best at that lol. With all the negativity in the world rn, I just need to get off of it. Also, I have started reading, “The Decision” by Kevin Hart and it has been a great read that I 100% recommend. It taught me a lot of important stuff. Anyways, today was a good day and I did not have any urges.


You’re right to cut out social media unless necessary. Not only can u be triggered by it but it just wastes a lot of time and causes more stress then some people might think if overused. Glad to see you’re still going strong man. I too was like you with great dedication when I first started and the man I became was like night and day. This kind of dedication will produce great fruit for you. God bless and keep fighting!


Yeah I find myself mindlessly scrolling without giving it a thought so it is best that I either limit my usage or just get rid of social media. But thank you bro! I can’t wait to look back at myself and see how far I’ve come. God bless brother!

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Date: 6/3/2020, Wednesday
Streak: 18

I got so happy when I saw 18 days on my counter today. I thought that getting this high on a streak was impossible when I first started. I remember seeing other people’s streaks and thinking that they were superhuman or something. And guess what, after 1-2 years, I’m now on the level which I thought was impossible to get to. It feels so good seeing such a big number on this app after only seeing 1 to 2 weeks maximum for the entirety of my journey. It almost makes me emotional thinking about how much hardships that I have endured and now I am finally here. Finally, past the point that I could never go past. I am almost in tears writing this because this is the first step to being ■■■■ free. I am so happy. No one can take this happiness from me, I will not let any external sources get me down.

Trust me, all of the hardships that you are going through today will be worth it in the end. I am so proud of all my brothers and sisters on this app. This is because all of you want to change your life for the better. You are willing to go through all of the restless nights, urges, mental torture that PMO has caused all of us for the betterment of your own life. I respect that so much. That is because some people aren’t willing to go through all of this. You are stronger than you think. Keep up the good work, everyone. :smiling_imp:


Date: 6/4/2020, Thursday
Streak: 19 days!

Today I woke up with a pretty big urge. I had the urge to get back to my old lifestyle of P.M.O. I was half awake just fantasizing. It was not an ideal situation because I was not fully awake and was not thinking about my long term goals and aspirations. I was instead fixated on being comfortable and short term gratification. When I finally woke up all the way it took a while to start thinking normally. Maybe like 3 to 4 hours sadly. I then hopped on the treadmill and started running. I have was never able to be in control of my urges like this before. Honestly, I would almost always relapse when one small urge came my way. I feel like what has helped me most is having a goal in life. Having something to strive for every single day of your life is very powerful. Your job is to find that “thing” and then never let go of it. No matter what it is. Have a reason to not fap. Because if you do not have a reason not to fap, you’re setting yourself up for failure. So ask yourself right now, “Why am I on No Fap?” Find a concrete answer that you can tell yourself when the urges hit. I truly believe that this is what allowed me to be on such a long streak. I hope you guys prosper from this message. Stay safe and God bless!


Also, I am considering switching to a vegan diet after watching, “What the Health” on Netflix. It almost made me vomit knowing that I ate meat for all of my life. I was literally destroying my body and doing nothing but shortening my lifespan by eating meat all my life. But now I know the serious health risks of eating meat, I highly recommend watching, “What the Health” and “The Game Changers” on Netflix. And please don’t judge before you watch at least one of them lol.

Being a Vegan on Nofap = Unstoppable :muscle:t4:


I think you made me want to change this idea of a lifestyle you see I was an all meat eater. Now that you say there are issues like it can affect the systems the body has, maybe I need to reconsider my lifestyle of eating choices.
Anyway cheers to you and your journey! Keep up the good work! You got this!

  • Jen

It reduces the risk of heart disease, prostate cancer, ashma, and diabetes. Trust me, you are making the right decision! I am glad that I could potentially change your life for the better. But thank you it really means a lot!! God bless!

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Hey bro, I am on a natural, organic plant based diet for over 8 years now and will never switch back. Animal products are unnecessary and heavy for body and mind. Make sure to make your research to get a balanced nutrition with lots of protein, vegetables and minerals and your athletic performance will explode :slight_smile:

Stay strong



Yeah I’m still kind of new to it but I’ll be sure to get a well balanced nutrition! I still have to do a bit more research before I fully commit haha. You too man :raised_hands:t4:

Date 6/5/2020, Friday
Streak: 20 days

Today was filled with small urges but I did not let them become more than that. I feel like I am getting good at suppressing these urges right when they show up. I just remind myself about boxing and then I don’t even wanna think about relapsing.

I am feeling a lot more confident with myself whenever I go out in public as well. I can also sense girls looking my way whenever I walk past but I’m trying not to pay attention to that honestly.

I am so happy with myself. That’s one huge benefit that I have been noticing. I’ve been loving myself and all the little things in life. I am learning to be greatful for what I have instead of focusing on what I do not have. Life is great and I am certain it is because of abstaining from pmo.

I also ran a 9 minute mile today! It’s not a lot compared to others but I’m proud of myself for slowly working my way up. I only compare myself to who I was yesterday. Have a great day everyone!

Also I can’t post a photo bc the size is too big for rewire companion apparently :confused:


Happy to read this bro. You are making huge improvements. Go on like this for 1 year or 2 and think what would you become after that. You’ll be a beast I promise. Days filled with positivity, everywhere. Porn comes into our life like a sea wave of negativity bro. FROM NOW ON NEVER AGAIN.