(16M)Genesis of Nofapper to PowerfulNfpWarrior ⚔️

I will try to update my diary everday.

Here are some side effects of excessive PMO, some of these are experienced by me.

Side effects of excessive PMO.

1.Less stamina

I lost my stamina drastically, i run fast but i start gasping after covering some distance ,

2.Low testosterone

This also leads to the hormonal problems, it reduces the T-levels.Man b-obs , hairfall, no motivation are also caused because of low t-levels.


I am experiencing thin hairs, they became weak, although i am taking care of my hair but will know after 20 days, cause i have short hairs now. Will try my best to do this nofap.

4.Lack of essential nutrients

Our semen consists many vital nutrients amd excessive pmo results in lack of zinc, magnesium, calcium and many more minerals required for our healthy body.

5.Dull skin

My friends and my family members says that i don’t look that good, i lost my glow because , i am losing vital nutrients because of regular fapping.

6.No energy

After doing a PMO session, all the energy drains and I feel really really lethargic and lazy
and it takes upto 3-4 days to replenish energy inside the body. Means 3-4 days wasted :weary: .

7. Weak bones

Sometimes i feel pain in my ankles when i walk, and faces pain in neck many times. This is because of excessive PMO and i am losing essential nutrients.

8. Less will power and procastination

This is fact that when we use our will power it increases with time but when we procastinate important tasks we lose will power which increase the tendency of procastination.

9. Less focus and intelligence

After a PMO session i feel very low, because of which i can’t focus on my studies. And nowadays i am not that intelligent like i was 2 years ago. Slowly slowly this will increase so i have to do something about it.

10. Less confidence and no self esteem

After fapping i lose all my semen as well as confidence, and i can’t take stand for myself . I can’t look into any girl’s eyes, feels like why i am still live, and what’s my existence ? And these questions come in my mind every moment.

These all problems will increase if not taken action on time, and this not only happens with me, it happens with a lot of persons who fap. So don’t think that this happen with only to some people but it can happen with anyone, if he/she won’t control their bad habits. It’s like a plant , if not uprooted at it’s initial stage then it will be very tough to uproot it when it will become a tree


15 August 2021

Day 1

After 1 week i managed to cross day 1, i didn’t study today i was but i worked out for 45 minutes. I was solving assertion and reason based questions ,mcqs and attended the menti quiz. Well, i slept afterwards for 3 hours :expressionless:, i thought , i would have just 15 minutes nap. After that i was using discord ̶̶t̶̶o ̶̶p̶̶l̶̶a̶̶y ̶̶P̶o̶̶k̶̶e̶̶m̶̶̶̶o̶n ̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶g̶̶a̶̶̶m̶̶̶̶̶̶̶e . I watched tv whole evening. And i have eaten a lots of jalebi today. I gained a lot of weight these days, it’s very easy for me to gain f̶̶̶a̶̶̶t̶̶s weight, one year back i i worked out rigorously, but it was hard for me to lose the love handles (side fat). I have to fix this .
Overall it was a great day i enjoyed, and i didn’t face any urges.

One more thing i have to go to school from tomorrow.

I was really really scared but my best friend helped me to manage my fear. I have to also go to coaching from tomorrow.

Now i am going to sleep.


Tell me about it, if I don’t workout seriously and get even a little bit non serious about eating properly I gain weight at lightening speed.


Do you mean like this :laughing::laughing:

But my condition is like this :point_down::point_down:

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Yeah, pictures say louder than words. :upside_down_face::upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

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Yup that is about it

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No. Of relapses

Dates/Months Relapses
(from 15)August 13
1 September- 7 September 7
8 September - 15 September 4
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Analysis of my relapses

R2=Relapsed twice
R3=Relapsed thrice
Papaya = ■■■■

Date Reason Relapsed While/After Time
17 August Loneliness (A) Studying 4 pm
18 August Watched P (W) Bathing 10 am
20 August(R2) Dreams, soft p and insta and unproductivity (A) Waking up and at night 4 am & 10:15 pm
24 August(R3) Fantasizing, P and unproductivity (A) Waking up, (A)Bathing 7:17 am , 9:30 am , 4:25 pm
25 August Watched P and edging ,bad routine E after bathing and after nap 12:05 pm
26 August Fantasizing and unproductivity (W) Bathing 10:20 am
28 August Watched P and bad routine (A) Bathing 11 :10 am
29 August (R2) Tv serial, fantasizing after nap and peeking (A) Nap 6:20 pm & 8:12 pm
31 August Previous peeking and P (A) Waking up 8:14 am
2 September (R2) Unproductivity (A) studying 3:32pm & 8:41 pm
4 September Forgot :sweat_smile: Forgot :sweat_smile: 9:31 pm
5 September (R3) Watching Papaya (W) Workout and bathing 9:05 am & 9:55 am and 8:05 pm
6 September Watching Papaya (W) Workout 9:05 am
10 September Previous Edging and unproductivity (A) Pissing :man_facepalming: 6:17pm
11 September(R2) Unproductivity and bad routine (W) Bathing and (B) Sleeping 11:31am & 11:54pm
12 September Bad routine and Papaya (W) Bathing 10:38am



Milestones and special moments




I thought that , it was a gif and i was thinking when it’s going to play :rofl::rofl:

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Bruh I didn’t realize till I saw this that it wasn’t a gif, it was already playing in my mind, I don’t know how

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Mine mind was playing it too :joy: , @anon64122840 are you trying to ̶̶I̶̶l̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶l̶̶u̶̶m̶̶i̶̶n̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e rick roll us.

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Haan bhai, kya lag rha wo tujhe bhai :laughing::laughing:

Kuch nahi lag raha hai…
Chee chee chee kaise gande vichar :exploding_head: