[16 M] Adrian's Diary Day 7

I have failed again… Twice in a row. However, I am going to use these as motivation to further improve. It didn’t affect me one bit. I continued to crush my day yesterday. I worked out, done my reading and journaling. I helped my mom, went with her to the church, and finished all of my pending school work. I noticed that I really get the urges whenever I don’t have anything to do. This is why I keep myself busy all the time. It sucks yes, but I don’t have control in the past. What matters is I keep on this journey.

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Yes, you should not think about past. Just learn from the mistake. Write down what was the reason for relapse and then try to schedule your day according to it.

You’ll conquer this addiction :pray:
I pray for you buddy. God bless you :heart_decoration: