Yo ladies and gentleman, i bring to you 15 days challenge for amatures(By amatures i mean who are strugling with this habit of pmo and hardly can pass even a week).
It is a course for revival of soul, body and mind. It will make us one with ourself and calm our minds. It will make us ready for higher goals. I choose 15 days because 15 days are enough to balance our hormones. Then we can go furthure but 1st we have to master it.
RULE of this competition :
#1. No Wastage of LIFE FORCE (sperms) by any means ( sex, masturbation ) It is first and only Rule to be taken care of.
Notice : (Nightfall, Wetdreams or Sexdreams are beyond our control and is natural phenomenon. It is not a Relapse )
Advise : Do not Edge(Dont watch any erotic pics or videos. Dont read any erotic book or story.Dont listen to any erotic music. Dont watch women in public as an object of sex)
… Whoever is interested Give his name, code, no. of days, country in old fashion( like one in international competition)
when one will complete 15 days his name along with his country will be placed in Champions Of 15 days Hall of Fame
Let The Good Life begins
Only first 10 competitive are allowed …so provide your name with code and country name
Code :- 1861da
Country : India
Current strek : 2 days