11 Days, 1 Intercourse wd partner No PMO

Its 11 Days already, The PMO is stopped. No Special improvement seen but internal weakness is lessened. There are Demons around while you open Porn and PMO through it See there are many videos available. Those who want to counter this fact can keep it to themselves as their opinion. Thogh PMO not done but Intercourse done with My spouse which is allowed and ethical. Had some urges even after intercourse but through the light of fact i came accross i could control it and did not fall for PMO. Guys please see videos which explain the Demons attached with the PORN and masturbation. Also read only One book atleast ’ Why you should never Masturbate’ by ‘David Baldwin’.

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Hey @bondjems84 glad to hear about you but why not put all of your progress in one topic cause it’s much clearer and that way, people could see your progress from day 1 till where you are now. People in this community write in a topic The introduction and in replys their day, streak, and feelings.

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Hi, will try to do in the manner you mentioned.

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