100% relapsed - stuck on day 0

I am totally relapsed

It’s been more than a week that I fail every day, sometimes twice a day. Before that, I was able to set up an 18-day streak, but since then I have been able to do a maximum of 8 days. I don’t understand why.
I’m full of ambition and I’m planning to start a new hobby sport, I’m getting ready. I fell back at the highest level, which hasn’t happened much since I’ve been using this app.
I don’t even keep a diary these days because I’m stuck on day 0.
My blockers don’t work and I don’t turn on digital detox in time, and I vowed to do hard mode

Blockers won’t work. Contact your ISP to block those websites for you. It will work. Better if you pay them for blocking websites. Ask them to block VPNs if possible ( :sweat_smile: )
Blocking are temporary. Never worked for me.

Try to set only one goal. Easy goal other than this habit of PMO. Try to achieve 21 days or 66 days. It will help your brain to understand that you can quit p•rn.

Then try to quit PMO for 3 day only.

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Progress matters, relapse will happen if you think you can go hard mode then you are lying to yourself. Now you are in such a phase that trying to be hard is like a player is playing with career damaging injury - impractical. As far as blockers are concerned, they are like speed breakers they will stop you at a certain point to realise that in what problem you are in. Our PFC (prefrontal cortex might be at a state where we can’t control it due to excessive damage to it - like a brake pads are worn out from brakes(PFC). Do little by little. Use less internet, don’t use it at a dedicated time. And most importantly don’t count days, if necessary delete rc app and use some solo counter app and hide it or remove it from home screen of your porn. And remember porn is your villain not masturbation, so if you think that you want to fap then fap no need to be controlling at that point of time that there will be not an option except fapping to porn. Not a recommendation but something is better than nothing.

Don’t be in delusion that motivation is only thing that helps you it’s the systems set up by us that led us to do it, so understand your systems.

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Thanks for you advices.
My first goal is to reach my highest streak

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You have put these thoughts together well. Thanks


Still relapsed , addicted

Try to change your environment and use less internet in your phone
Use this link as your private dns(you may find it in the settings app Inshaallah):

And set your search engine into ‘strict’ mode of safe search this is how you may eradicate much of cues(triggers) around you Inshaallah

And please don’t think that you relapsed you lost it’s just a slip up you get to go relapsed will come to you Inshaallah the thing is that how should you learn from it.


Interesting method. I have never tried this before. Thanks!

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