Mistake: Using Porn to Stop Feeling Bad

Mistake: Using Porn to Stop Feeling Bad

This is what usually happens:

You’re very stressed about work or school. You spent all your day working under pressure and you know that the upcoming days are going to be the same. There’s pain in your body. You’re mentally exhausted. You want to relax and feel good. So what do you do? Watch porn.

You’re extremely bored in your house. You and laziness become one. You’re not in the mood for anything, not even watching a movie. Boredom, boredom, and more boredom. Who wants to feel bored? Nobody. Time runs slowly. Nothing is fun. You go to Facebook and there are no interesting updates. You refresh your favorite forums and there are no new replies to your posts. There’s nothing to do. You start becoming anxious and restless. So what do you do? Watch porn.

Please, stop this.

You need to stop medicating yourself with porn every time you feel pain and discomfort.

This is ignorance to the reality of life.

Stress, depression, frustration, hangovers, boredom, injuries, physical pain, anxiety, embarrassment. You know what they are? You know what they’re called?

They’re called LIFE.

Do not run away from life. Do not run away from reality.

We will never become happy if we keep doing this.

In Buddhism this is called aversion. Running away from pain. Running away from discomfort.

All these bad feelings are temporary. Boredom, stress, hangovers, feeling down. They will all pass.

If we keep taking refuge in porn and

running away from pain and discomfort then we will never be able to grow

as persons and become real men.

We need to break out of this cycle. Or , at the very least try to.

Otherwise, what are you going to do when things get tough in life? Hide in your room? Become depressed?

What are you going to do when you realize that talking to girls brings up a lot of anxiety and nervousness? Run away? Make excuses?

What are you going to do when you’re stuck in a trafflc jam for 2 hours and you’re very hungry? Complain? Hit the horn endlessly?

What are you going to do when you realize that losing weight isn’t as easy as you thought it would be? Give up?

Binge on junk food?

We need to stop using porn as a pain reneven

We need to face reality, not run from it.

Please understand what I’m talking about here. If you do then you will be able to identify every time you’re using porn as an escape.

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