Alternative treatments

This is just a wall for alternatives.
Whether herbal, spiritual, religious, medatative, nutritional, etc.

I have heard that
Mamorjam and Chaste berry can help reduce libido.

Not sure if that is the path people want to go. However it might help us get a running syart to reduce those urges.

Is that a bad attitude?

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Wanting and trying, and finding your way is a good attitude.

Would I try herbalism to reduce libido?
Maybe, but no, not right now.

Would I drink herbal tea to calm me down?

If we reduce that drive it makes it easier

Early monks would make tea from chaste berry to fight the urges.


It seems to me that caffeine makes my urges irresistible. In my recent experience, if I don’t drink coffee or milk tea that day, it’ll probably be a clean day. If I drink, I’ll probably relapse. Don’t know if you have such issue.

That’s a fair point. I tend to drink excess caffeine. I think I just need to removal all muly stimulus. Or atleast reduce it greatly.

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