You can always learn more from a FAILURE than from a ACHIEVER

We are human being, we learn from mistakes.I am 25 years old and I started my NoFap Journey on 5th December’17. But i never achieved my goal of 90 days NoFap. I masturbate on 19th Feb’18 :sweat_smile: just before reaching my goal. What made me masturbate?? It’s the curiosity to know if i am really on Flatline. I saw some posts on a fb page by some NoFapper that made test my ejaculation :sweat_smile:. If you are reading it i just want to say you guys Please Never Try To Experiment With Your Dick By Just Reading Some Post On Any Fb Page. If you are on NoFap… just be completely faithfull to it. Give it your everything and it’ll take you to a completely New World. Think Practical don’t be a day dreamer.

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Yea that is true! Some people say to themselves (including me) that “Oh, i will just open porn and then look can i click off it” Just for a test and blah blah blah. It is actually the dopamine crazy side of your brain trying to trick you. Once you look even for a second of porn you already activated the mouse trap.
I wish you luck on your journey!


I wonder at what point of this journey will that effect stop having on our brains :thinking:

Or do we just get more sensitive with time?

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From 90 days to a year. It depends how deep the addiction is carved and how mjch did we enjoy it or how much DO we enjoy it…

Make yourself busy in productive things like reading books, bodybuilding or whatever target you want to achieve in future like getting a job in MNC, or government sector, etc etc… Be on the path and keep yourself busy… just busy busy and superbusy. Once your brain set the Loop of your daily activity. Then these fapping things will never come in mind. Always remember, making something your habit will take time and it’s not always as easy as it looks. Start making good habits to conquer your mind and it’ll help you removing bad habits.

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I mean I reached 50 days before and ended up relapsing :joy::sob: so I guess the 90 day mark would do.

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This is definitely true I had a whole month where I was exercising everyday, but the last two months has been a mess.

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