Why porn addiction is hard to quit

Let’s start from the basic what I’ve observed from my learning about myself and readings. This is just psychology, you don’t have to agree with me. So, A child is born, pure soul, he do whatever he like. He wants to get sad, he get, he wants to express anger he do but as soon he know that some emotions he have to hide because society/parents/friends don’t accept it, he starts hiding them. Shame/guilt/sadness are the primary emotions which we hide, because when we’re child we were judged and maybe didn’t raised by a loving parents. So we start hiding our sadness,guilt,fear because we think these things makes us week and now comes the secondary emotion “anger/rage” we use our anger to cover up our fears/sadness, for example if someone is triggering you about something that make you feel sad,guilt,shame you’ll get angry. Now coming to the point, when we don’t know how to even express and what to do with anger we get attached or addicted. Addiction and attachments works kinda same if you’ll look deeply. So for many people masturbation might be healthy because they know how to express and what to do with their emotions. So, the person who knows and have a good understanding about emotions , sexual desires/urges don’t bother them much. But for the addicts it is not the same because we are hiding so much underneath it, that’s why in Hinduism we say, when sexual desires aren’t fulfilled a person get angry but there’s a good think, if you’ve conciously made the decision about quitting it, even if you can’t you’re still on the right path. Conscious decision can melt everything which is making you feel bad about yourself. You will heal, its all in your head, it would apparently take time but not much just hang on there. Thanks.

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