What may change if you don´t see porn anymore

if you stop looking at porn, what do you think is the best thing that may happen to you
and what is the worst thing that may happen:

Me first:
Best: I´ll start to be punctual, accountable and prestigious at work.
Worst: I´ll lose a little of my sex drive.

Even although none of them is for sure, I choose to be free of porn.

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Best: Definitely being able to just lay in the bed with my girl. Just cuddling without having the feeling that everything has to lead to hard sex where everyone has to have at least 5 orgasms.

Worst: I don’t expect anything really bad since porn is a unnatural behavior

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Best: my way to look at people in general completely changes and my focus shifts. I can not only talk to a beautiful person, it actually doesn’t matter all too much if she is beautiful, and I don’t immediately think in categories like “want to fuck” and “have no interest but nice talking to her anyways”. It’s not like climbing up the ladder, it’s throwing it away and going into a complete other direction. Difficult to describe, but that is definitely what I am striving towards.

Bad: nothing, really, except that it is more difficult, but such is life