What do I do when things get like this?

I fell. I relasped after 16 days but this time. This battle was one of the hardest battles I fought. I resisted for 4 hours ever since I woke up. I meditated. Came back. Head hurting all around I couldn’t have myself sleep. I felt like my body was forcing me (I know I need to get stronger) For the past couple days I felt happy. Aware. I wasn’t feeling I was lying. I want that feeling. Did anyone go through this? I am continuing this change. No matter if I fall.


16 - 19 days are usually about my max, so yeah, I’ve had some similar experience.
I think we need to keep affirming our decision to quit, without making it into a debate.
Make it simple and strong.

Today, I’m making the simple non debatable statement, Porn is a sin.
I looked last night and the day before, but I’m simple not going to do that today.
Porn is always a sin.
And we don’t need to debate it.


I remember when i reached 17 days first time. I had my first night fall that night. Next day i relapsed.

Try Again.


Thank you both. Thinking about it, I didn’t really make the right choices. Me going to bed 3 am knowing that I have to wake up 7:30 and havong a lot of sugar that day didn’t help it. But I’m making sure I go past 16 days. But discipline needs to form.


If at once we dont successed.
Try Try & Try Again.

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I was on a black hole, but I never stoped trying.
Many short streaks, many relapses, and I didnt have the same motivation as I have now. But i didnt quit.
Now im on my day 21.

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