[WalkWithoutFear] Pledge to Kill korn forever! 🌄

Day 1
Good morning :sun_with_face:
*Last night I was painting my car trunk to cover the primer after sanding. I stayed up till 1 a.m. or till 2 a.m. actually so that I can get that paint done. It technically is done but I need another coat and need to wait until at least 24 hours for the paint to cure fully. I can do another coat another time when free. Just let cure. I called off work because I can’t take my car to work while the paint cures. A normal person will bike there if they have to but since my SA doesn’t let me, not sure what else to do. *

Since I am free today. I want to catch up on other things.
writing in my diary
Finish posting las Vegas content so I can save space on computer
Reading OCD book
**Will update once 5 p.m. arrives.