Video games podem destruir minha vida?

Galera, o que vocês acham sobre o uso de video game?

Ultimamente estou tendo bastante problema em casa devido a isso, tenho 20 anos e moro com meus pais, porém eu trabalho, estudo e faço meus deveres, mesmo assim eles afirmam que isso é perda de tempo, sei que não tem muito a ver com o nofap, mas percebi que depois que parei de ver porno e masturbação, meu gosto por video games aumentou!


Apologize for my English if it’s a Portuguese topic.

Just like masturbation or pornography, video games have similar effects on the brain, maybe it gives you less amount of dopamine than PMO but its effects must not be underestimated at all.

To dig deeper into this issue we must look into their common destination. The reward circuitry.
Gary Wilson explained: “Primitive circuits in the brain govern emotions, drives, impulses, and subconscious decision-making. They do their jobs so efficiently that evolution hasn’t seen the need to change them much since before humans were humans. The desire and motivation to pursue sex arises from a neurochemical called “Dopamine”. Dopamine amps up the centerpiece of the primitive part of the brain known as “The reward circuitry”. It’s where you experience cravings and pleasure and where you get addicted.”
And he also pointed out: “The pleasure of climax appears to rise from opioids. So think of Dopamine as wanting and opioids as liking. As psychologist Susan Weinshenk explained: " Dopamine causes us to want, desire, seek out and search. Yet, the Dopamine system is stronger than the opioid system. We seek more than we satisfy."”

What I wanted you to realize is that to stop an addiction, you must strengthen the opioid system not the reward system which makes us conclude that anything that gives you more than the usual amount of dopamine in the reward circuitry such as video games has to be stopped if you want a full rewire process to your brain. Pushing yourself to discomfort especially when you don’t feel like it is the key. Strengthening the opioid system is the key

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