The Easy Peasy Way To Quit ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡

Starting from next chapter, things will get more interresting
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Chapter 6

Brainwashing Aspects

Reading Time: 1 minute

The ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ trapโ€™s big monster is bred through the culmination of many aspects, including societal forces, media portrayals, peers and the userโ€™s own internal narrative. Failure to deconstruct these fallacies whilst using the willpower method eventually leads to feelings of deprivation, leading the user back into the trap. Deconstruction of the imagined value of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is crucial for success and allows you to see where youโ€™re being robbed!

Of importance to note is the link between brainwashing and fear. Itโ€™s fear of feeling future withdrawal pangs that create the pangs. Fear is the pang itself. Think about when youโ€™ve had withdrawal symptoms such as sweaty palms, shortness of breath, sleeping problems and an inability to think straight. Now think of similar situations when youโ€™ve had those feelings: job interviews, nerves around an attractive person, public speaking, etc. These are the same anxious feelings the fear causes. Simply put, how can a physical drug still hook people months after stopping? It must be mentally, correct?

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6.1 Stress

Reading Time: 2.5 minutes

Not only great tragedies in life, but also minor stresses drive users into the forbidden โ€˜unsafeโ€™ area previously excluded. Stresses include socialising, phone calls, anxieties of the housewife with young children, and many others. Letโ€™s take phone calls as an example, particularly for a businessperson. Most calls arenโ€™t from satisfied customers or your boss congratulating you, thereโ€™s some sort of aggravation. Coming home to mundane family life of kids screaming and their partnerโ€™s emotional demands causes the user โ€” if they arenโ€™t already doing so โ€” to fantasise the relief of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ promised that night. They unconsciously suffer withdrawal pangs, destressors weakened and unprepared for additional aggravation. Partially relieving the pangs at the same time as normal stress, the total is reduced and the user gets a temporary boost. The boost isnโ€™t an illusion, the user does genuinely feel better than before, but theyโ€™re more tense than they would be as a non-user.

The following example isnโ€™t designed to shock you โ€” EasyPeasy promises no such treatment โ€” but is to emphasise that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ destroys your nerves rather than relaxing them.

Try to imagine getting to the stage where youโ€™re unable to be aroused, even with a very sxy and attractive partner. For a moment, pause and try to visualise life where a very lovely and charming person has to compete and fail with the virtual ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ stars occupying your โ€˜haremโ€™ to get your attention. Imagine the frame of mind of a person who, when issued with that warning, continues using and dies without ever having real sex with this charming and willing partner. Itโ€™s easy to dismiss these people as weirdos, but stories like these arenโ€™t fakes โ€” this is what the awful novelty of the ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ drug does to your brain. The more you go through life, the more courage is sapped and the more youโ€™re deluded into believing ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is doing the opposite.

Have you ever been overtaken by panic when out of the blue the WiFi stops working or is too slow? Non-users donโ€™t suffer from it, as internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ causes that feeling. As you go through life, it systematically destroys your nerve and courage, leaving DeltaFosB to form powerful neural water slides in its wake, progressively destroying your ability to say no. By the stage where virility has been killed, the user believes ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is their new partner and is unable to face life without it.

Internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ isnโ€™t relieving your nerves, itโ€™s slowly destroying them. One of the great gains of breaking the addiction is the return of your natural confidence and self-assurance.

Thereโ€™s no need to rate yourself on your ability to satisfy a partner โ€” this isnโ€™t freedom. But this freedom cannot be obtained by continuing to grease the dopamine water slide in ways that undercut your happiness and libido by repeating the same destructive behaviour.


6.2 Boredom

Reading Time: 1.75 minutes

If youโ€™re like many people, as soon as you climb into bed youโ€™re already on your favorite ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ site, probably already forgetting until reminded. Itโ€™s become second nature. Similarly, ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ relieving boredom is another fallacy because boredom is a frame of mind, occurring when youโ€™ve been deprived for a long time or are trying to cut down.

The actual situation is this, when youโ€™re addicted to the supernormal pull of internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and then try to abstain, it feels like thereโ€™s something missing. If you have something to occupy your mind that isnโ€™t stressful, you can go for long periods of time without being bothered by the absence of the drug. However, when youโ€™re bored thereโ€™s nothing to take your mind off it, so you feed the monster. When youโ€™re indulging yourself and not trying to stop or cut down, even firing up private browsing becomes subconscious. This ritual is automatic; if the user tries to remember sessions during the last week, theyโ€™re only able to remember a small proportion of them, like the very last one or the session after a long abstinence.

The truth being that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ increases boredom indirectly because orgasms make you feel lethargic and instead of undertaking an energetic activity, users tend to prefer lounging around, bored and relieving their withdrawal pangs. Countering the brainwashing is important because users tend to view ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ when bored, our brains wired to interpret ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ as interesting. Similarly, weโ€™ve also been brainwashed into believing sex โ€” even bad sex โ€” aids relaxation. Itโ€™s a fact that when sad or under stress, couples want to have sex. In the absence of discrimination between tantric and propagative sex, watch how quickly you want to get away from each other after the mandatory orgasm is achieved. If the couple had just decided to hug, speak or cuddle and go to sleep, theyโ€™d have felt relieved.

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6.3 Concentration

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Masturbation and sex donโ€™t help concentration โ€” when youโ€™re trying to concentrate you automatically try and avoid distractions. Therefore, when a user wants to concentrate, they donโ€™t even think โ€” automatically opening the browser, feeding the little monster and partially ending the craving. They get on with the matter at hand, already forgetting theyโ€™ve viewed ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. After years of dopamine-flooding the neurological changes affect abilities such as accessing information, planning and impulse control.

Youโ€™re also driven to provide novelty for the next session as the same stuff no longer generates enough dopamine and opioids. So youโ€™ll have to roam the internet streets for novelty, fighting the pull to cross the line towards shocking material, which in turn generates more stress and leaves you unfulfilled after finishing.

Concentration is also adversely affected as the dopamine receptors are culled due to natural tolerance to the large surges, reducing the benefit of smaller dopamine boosts from natural destressors. Your concentration and inspiration will be greatly boosted as this process is reduced. For many, itโ€™s the concentration aspect that prevents them from succeeding with the willpower method: they could put up with the irritability and bad temper, but the failure to concentrate on something difficult once their crutch is removed ruins many.

Loss of concentration that users suffer when trying to escape isnโ€™t due to the absence of sex, let alone ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. You have mental blocks when youโ€™re addicted to something and when you have a mental block, what do you do? You fire up the browser โ€” which doesnโ€™t cure the block โ€” so then what do you do? You do what you have to do, getting on with it just as non-users do.

When youโ€™re a user nothing is blamed on the cause: users never have sexual dysfunction, just occasional downtime. The moment you stop using, everything that goes wrong is blamed on the reason you stopped. Now when you have a mental block, instead of just getting on with it, you begin to say โ€œIf only I could check my harem now, it would solve all my problemsโ€. You then begin to question your decision to quit and escape from the slavery.

If you believe that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is a genuine aid to concentration, worrying about it will guarantee that youโ€™ll be unable to concentrate. Doubt, not the physical withdrawal pangs, creates the problem. Always remember, itโ€™s the user who suffers pangs, not non-users.

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6.4 Relaxation

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Most users think that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ helps them to relax. It doesnโ€™t. The frantic search to get the fix in those โ€˜dark alleys of the internetโ€™ and the internal struggle of straining at the leash to cross the red line certainly doesnโ€™t sound like a very relaxing activity.

As night rolls in after a trip to a new place or a long day, we sit down to relax, relieving our hunger, thirst and are completely satisfied. The user is not, as they have another hunger to satisfy. Users think of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ as the icing on the cake, but in actuality itโ€™s the โ€˜little monsterโ€™ that needs feeding. The truth is that the addict can never be completely relaxed and going through life it gets exponentially worse. Take one online comment from an ex-user:

โ€œI really believed that I had an evil demon in my make up, I now know that I had, however it wasnโ€™t some inherent flaw in my character but the little internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ monster that was creating the problem. During those times I thought I had all the problems in the world, but when I look back on my life I wonder where all the great stress was. In everything else in my life I was in control, only thing controlling me was ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ slavery. The sad thing is that even today I canโ€™t convince my children that it was the slavery that caused me to be so irritable.โ€

Every time I hear ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addicts trying to justify their addiction the message is, โ€œOh it helps me to relax.โ€ Take the online account of a single dad whose six year old son wanted to share his bed in the night after a scary movie, but the dad would refuse so that he could have his session and edge for hours.

Hereโ€™s another smoking analogy, a couple of years ago adoption authorities threatened to prevent smokers from adopting children. A man rang up, irate. โ€œYouโ€™re completely wrongโ€, he said, โ€œI can remember when I was a child, if I had a contentious matter to raise with my mother, I would wait until she lit a cigarette because she was more relaxed then.โ€ Why couldnโ€™t the man talk to his mother when she wasnโ€™t smoking a cigarette?

Why are some users so stressed when theyโ€™re not getting their fix, even after real sex? One story online details a man working in the advertising field having 9s and 10s open for dates at any time, but lost interest in taking them out for dinner as internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ was far easier, involved no restaurant spending and had no possibility of a โ€˜noโ€™ from his date at the end of an evening. Why be bothered when his little monster keeps him craving the low-risk, high-reward scheme at his fingertips upon reaching home?

Why are non-users completely relaxed then? Why are users not able to relax without a fix for a day or two? Read about the experience of a user taking the abstinence oath and quitting and youโ€™ll notice the struggle with temptations: clearly not relaxed at all when no longer allowed to have the โ€˜only pleasureโ€™ they are โ€˜entitled to enjoyโ€™. Theyโ€™ve forgotten what itโ€™s like to be completely relaxed. ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ can be likened to a fly being caught in a pitcher plant, to begin with the fly is eating the nectar but at some imperceptible stage the plant begins to eat the fly.

Isnโ€™t it time you climbed out of the plant?

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6.5 Energy

Reading Time: 2.75 minutes

Most users are aware of the progressive effects ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡โ€™s novelty- and escalation-seeking has on their brainโ€™s reward and sexual systems. However, they arenโ€™t aware of the effect it has on their energy level.

One of the ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ trapโ€™s subtleties is that the effects it has upon us, both physically and mentally, happen so gradually and imperceptibly that we remain unaware of them and instead regard withdrawal as normal. The effect is similar to that of bad eating habits: we look at people who are grossly overweight and wonder how they could have possibly allowed themselves to reach that state. But suppose that it happened overnight โ€” you went to bed trim, rippling with muscles and not an ounce of fat on your body โ€” and awoke to find yourself fat, bloated and pot-bellied. Instead of waking up feeling fully rested and full of energy, you feel miserable, lethargic, and barely able to open your eyes.

Youโ€™d be panic-stricken, wondering what awful disease you had contracted overnight, and yet the disease is exactly the same. The fact it took you twenty years to arrive there is irrelevant. ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is the same: if it were possible to immediately transfer your mind and body to give you a direct comparison to how youโ€™d feel having stopped ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ for just three weeks, thatโ€™s all that would be required to convince you. Youโ€™d ask yourself, would it really feel this good, or what that really amounts to, โ€œHad I really sunk that low?โ€ You wouldnโ€™t just feel healthier, with more energy, but sporting far more confidence and a heightened ability to concentrate.

Lack of energy, tiredness and everything related to it is nicely swept under the rug of โ€˜getting olderโ€™. Friends and colleagues who also live sedentary lifestyles further compound the normalisation of this behaviour. The belief that energy is the exclusive prerogative of children and teenagers and that old age begins in your twenties is another symptom of the brainwashing, as is being unaware of eating and exercise habits as a result of the compounding effects of dopamine desensitisation.

Shortly after stopping ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, the foggy and muggy feeling will leave you. The point being, with ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ youโ€™re always debiting your energy and in that process, tampering with the chemistry of your limbic system. Unlike quitting smoking, where the return of your physical and mental health is only gradual, quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ gives you excellent results from day one. Killing the โ€˜little monsterโ€™ and closing the water slides takes a little bit of time, but recovering your reward centre is nothing like the slow slide into the pit. If youโ€™re going through the trauma of the willpower method, any health or energy gains will be obliterated by the depression youโ€™ll be going through. Unfortunately, itโ€™s not possible for EasyPeasy to immediately transfer you into your mind in three weeksโ€™ time, but you can! You know instinctively that what youโ€™re being told is correct, all you need to do is use your imagination!

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6.6 Social Night Sessions

Reading Time: 2.5 minutes

This is misinformation that seems to make sense, but doesnโ€™t. In order to control your appetite, will you eat at home before leaving to go to a restaurant or party? This is what youโ€™re doing with sessions before social nights, looking tired and not up to your best. The widespread adoption of pick-up techniques has introduced pressure to perform, pick-up and score. Attempting to drown your butterflies with ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and substances will only make the problem worse in the long run. Personally, I like a bit of anxiety to keep me focused and engaged and tiring yourself out mentally and physically with orgasm isnโ€™t going to help.

Social night ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is occasioned by two or more of our usual reasons for pleasure/prop seeking, social functions at their core being both stressful and relaxing. This might appear to be a contradiction but any form of socialisation can be stressful โ€” even with friends โ€” wanting to be yourself and completely relaxed. Thereโ€™s many occasions that have multiple factors present at any one time, take driving as an example, since after all, your life is at stake. Stressful, with concentration required for sustained periods of time. You need not be aware of these factors, your subconscious already receiving the message. By the same token, when finding yourself stuck in traffic jams or bored on long highway drives, the promise of a session upon reaching home occupies your mind.

Another good example is going on a first date, your mind throwing out questions about the person youโ€™re about to meet. Then if your enthusiasm starts to fade upon meeting the person in the flesh youโ€™ll start to feel too relaxed, then guilty for feeling this way. The tug of war has started, โ€œI want sex or get me out of here ASAPโ€, priming you for post-date ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡.

Even if the date went well and hours later youโ€™re back at their place, no matter which way it goes you wonโ€™t be satisfied if your only goal is seeking orgasm. At other times you drive home alone, your only thought being your online harem instead of congratulating yourself for your efforts. You can bet that someone in this position will have a session upon reaching home, and itโ€™s often after nights like these โ€” waking to feel uneasy emptiness โ€” are the ones weโ€™ll miss the most when we contemplate stopping ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. We think that life will never be quite as enjoyable again. In fact, itโ€™s the same principle at work: the sessions simply provide relief from the withdrawal pangs, at some times having greater needs than others, greasing the water slide for the next cue.

Make this clear โ€” itโ€™s not internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and harem dwellers that are special, itโ€™s the occasion. Once the need for ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is removed, such occasions will become more enjoyable and stressful situations less stressful.

Summarization 6

Reading Time: 1.5 minutes

6.1 Stress:

  • The link between brainwashing and fear, particularly fear of future withdrawal symptoms.
  • Stressors, both major and minor, drive individuals into the ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ trap.
  • Examples include phone calls, socializing, and family life contributing to unconscious withdrawal pangs.
  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is portrayed as a reliever, but it actually destroys nerves rather than relaxing them.

6.2 Boredom:

  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ relieving boredom is a fallacy; boredom is a frame of mind.
  • Addiction to ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ makes the absence of the drug feel like something is missing.
  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ indirectly increases boredom by promoting lethargy after orgasms.

6.3 Concentration:

  • Masturbation and sex do not aid concentration; users automatically seek distractions.
  • Dopamine desensitization affects abilities like accessing information, planning, and impulse control.
  • Users are driven to provide novelty for each session, affecting concentration negatively.

6.4 Relaxation:

  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ does not help users relax; the frantic search for a fix is not a relaxing activity.
  • Addiction prevents complete relaxation, and users view ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ as the icing on the cake rather than the actual problem.

6.5 Energy:

  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡โ€™s effects on physical and mental energy levels happen gradually, making users unaware of the decline.
  • Lack of energy is normalized as a part of aging, but it is a consequence of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addiction.
  • Quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ results in immediate improvements in energy, confidence, and concentration.

6.6 Social Night Sessions:

  • ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ use before social events is akin to eating before going to a restaurant to control appetite.
  • Social functions are both stressful and relaxing, contributing to the desire for ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡.
  • The belief that life wonโ€™t be enjoyable without ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is debunked; removing the need for ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ enhances lifeโ€™s enjoyment.


  • The chapter emphasizes the importance of deconstructing societal fallacies about ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡.
  • Users are urged to recognize the brainwashing aspects related to stress, boredom, concentration, relaxation, and energy.
  • The goal is to break free from the trap and regain natural confidence, self-assurance, and a fulfilling life.
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Thank you for the links to the MP3 and this entire book. I will listen to it on my on my drive to work and back

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No problem brother. Happy to help :+1:


Chapter 7

What am I giving up?

Reading Time: 1.5 minutes

Absolutely nothing! ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is difficult to give up because of the fear weโ€™re being deprived of our pleasure or prop. The fear that certain pleasant situations will never be quite the same again. Fear youโ€™ll be left unable to cope with stressful situations. In other words, itโ€™s the effects of brainwashing deluding us into believing that sex โ€” and by extension orgasm โ€” is a must for all human beings. Even further, itโ€™s the belief thereโ€™s something inherent in internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ that we need, and that when we stop using we will be denying ourselves and creating a void.

Make this clear in your mind: ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ doesnโ€™t fill a void, it creates one!

Our bodies are the most sophisticated objects on the planet. Whether you believe in intelligent design, natural selection, or a combination of both, our bodies are thousands of times more effective than man! Weโ€™re unable to create the smallest living cell or the miracles of eyesight, reproduction and various interlinked systems present in our bodies or brains. If this creator or process had intended us to handle supernormal stimulus, weโ€™d have been provided with different reward systems. Our bodies are provided with fail-safe warning devices and we ignore these at our peril.

7.1 Thereโ€™s nothing to give up

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Once you purge the little monster from your body and the brainwashing (the big monster) from your mind, youโ€™ll neither want to masturbate often nor use internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ for it. There are many knowns and unknowns when it comes to ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addiction, with many in the medical community having no concept of questioning or determining someone as a ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addict. A lot of reported symptoms are wrongly tagged under other causes. Itโ€™s not that users are generally stupid people, itโ€™s just that theyโ€™re miserable without ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, abstaining and being miserable because they cannot use ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, or miserable because theyโ€™re guilty and begin despising themselves because of it. When they get symptoms such as low back pain or sexual dysfunction, their minds are torn between accepting responsibility and looking the other way.

Another smoker analogy: all of us have seen smokers who develop excuses to sneak off for a crafty puff and we see the true addiction in action. Addicts donโ€™t do this for enjoyment, instead they do it because theyโ€™re miserable without it.

For many their first sexual experience ended in an orgasm, so they acquired the belief they canโ€™t enjoy sex without one. For men, ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is marketed as an aid towards sex, sometimes even as an education in confidence during the act. This is nonsense, the conditioning of supernormal stimulus only succeeds in bringing it down.

Not only is there nothing to give up but massive positive gains to be had. When users contemplate quitting, they tend to concentrate on health and virility. These are valid and important reasons, but I personally believe the greatest gains are psychological:

  • The return of your confidence and courage.
  • Freedom from slavery.
  • No longer having awful black shadows at the back of your mind and despising yourself.
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7.2 Void, the void, the beautiful void!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Imagine having a cold sore on your face, so you go to the pharmacist and he gives you a free ointment to try. You put the ointment on and it disappears immediately. A week later it reappears, so you go back to the pharmacist and ask if they have any more ointment. The pharmacist says โ€œSure; keep the tube, you might need it later.โ€

You apply the ointment and hey presto, the sore disappears once again. But every time the sore returns, it gets larger and more painful, with the interval getting shorter and shorter. Eventually, the sore covers your whole face and is excruciatingly painful, and itโ€™s returning every half hour. You know the ointment will remove it temporarily, but youโ€™re very worried. Will the sore eventually spread over your whole body? Will the interval disappear completely? You go to your doctor and they canโ€™t cure it, so you try other things but nothing helps apart from the ointment.

By now youโ€™re completely dependent on the ointment, never going out without ensuring that you have a tube with you. If you go abroad, you make sure you take several tubes with you. In addition to your worries about your health, the pharmacist is charging you a hundred dollars a tube. You have no choice but to pay up.

You stumble across an article discussing this and find out it isnโ€™t just happening to you, many people are suffering from the same problem. In fact, the medical community has discovered that the ointment doesnโ€™t actually cure the sore, and instead only takes it beneath the surface of the skin. Itโ€™s the ointment that caused the sore to grow, so all you have to do to get rid of the sore is to stop using the ointment and itโ€™ll disappear in due course.

Would you continue to use the ointment? Would it take willpower to not use the ointment? If you didnโ€™t believe the article there might be a few days of apprehension, but once you realised the sore was beginning to get better, the need or desire to use the ointment would go. Would you be miserable? Of course you wouldnโ€™t! You had an awful problem which you thought was incurable but now youโ€™ve found the solution. Even if it took a year for the sore to go away, each day as it improved youโ€™d think about how marvellous you felt. This is the magic of quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡.

The sore isnโ€™t the body pains, lack of normal lust, flagging arousal, fading penetration, the wasted time spent on two-dimensional images, feelings of infringement on entitlement, and despising the people who caught you or even worse, despising yourself. These are all in addition to the sore.

The sore makes us close our minds to all these things โ€” itโ€™s that panic feeling of wanting a fix. Non-users donโ€™t suffer from that feeling. The worst thing we ever suffer is fear, the greatest gain being rid of that fear. Itโ€™s caused by your first session, further strengthened and caused by each subsequent one.

Some users are โ€˜happyโ€™, blinded by their cunning little monsters and so go through this same nightmare, putting up phony arguments to try and justify their stupidity.

Itโ€™s so nice to be free!


Summarization 7:

What am I giving up?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
In this section, the chapter discusses the difficulty of giving up ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and the fears associated with it. The fear includes the belief that one might be deprived of pleasure, face challenges in coping with stress, or create a void in their life. The chapter emphasizes that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ doesnโ€™t fill a void; rather, it creates one.

Thereโ€™s nothing to give up

This part argues that once the influence of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is removed from both the body and the mind, the desire for it diminishes. It acknowledges the challenges in identifying ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addiction in the medical community and suggests that many symptoms are incorrectly attributed to other causes. The chapter compares the addiction to that of smoking and highlights the psychological gains of quitting, such as the return of confidence and freedom from enslavement.

Void, the void, the beautiful void!

This section uses a metaphor of a persistent cold sore and an ointment dependency to illustrate the concept of quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. It encourages the reader to consider the psychological dependence on ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ as similar to relying on the ointment for the sore. The chapter suggests that quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is not about giving up something valuable but rather freeing oneself from a harmful dependency, leading to a sense of liberation.

The magic of quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡

Drawing parallels to the scenario with the ointment, this part emphasizes that quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is not a loss but a solution to a problem. It discusses the various negative aspects associated with ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ use, including physical symptoms and emotional distress. The chapter argues that the fear and panic associated with wanting a fix are eliminated by quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, and non-users donโ€™t experience such suffering. The conclusion expresses the joy and freedom that come with being free from ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡.

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Youโ€™re helping a lot. Thank you for these posts


Chapter 8

Saving Time

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Usually when users try stopping, the main reasons given are health, religion and partner stigma. Part of the brainwashing of this awful drug is the sheer slavery of it; man has fought hard to abolish slavery in many parts of the world โ€” yet the user spends life suffering self-imposed slavery. Theyโ€™re oblivious to the fact that when theyโ€™re allowed to use ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ they wish they were a non-user. The only time that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ becomes precious is when weโ€™re โ€˜tryingโ€™ to cut down or abstain, or when abstinence is forced on us.

It cannot be repeated often enough that brainwashing makes it difficult to stop ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, so the more we dispel before we start, the easier youโ€™ll find it to achieve your goal. Confirmed users, who donโ€™t believe that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ has any negative effect on their health (๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡-induced erectile dysfunction, hypofrontality, etc.) and arenโ€™t having a mental tug of war are typically younger or single with an occasional sex partner. Thus, the internal feedback is lost due to the nature of their youth or is too infrequent to be observed and registered.

A better argument for a younger user is the time spent, rather saying โ€œI canโ€™t believe you arenโ€™t worried about the time you are spending.โ€ Generally their eyes light up, feeling disadvantaged if attacked on health grounds or social stigma, but on timeโ€ฆ
โ€œOh, I can afford it. Itโ€™s only x hours per week and I think itโ€™s worth it, itโ€™s my only vice of pleasure.โ€

โ€œI still canโ€™t believe youโ€™re not worried. Letโ€™s assume a half hour daily average which includes the physical drain of dopamine withdrawals, youโ€™re spending approximately a full working day every fortnight. Iโ€™m sure youโ€™d agree that half an hour a day is a very conservative estimate. Have you thought about how much time youโ€™ll spend in your lifetime? What are you doing in that time? Developing real relationships? No, your favorite ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ star doesnโ€™t have sympathy for you, just because you spent so much time on their videos โ€” youโ€™re throwing time away! Not only that, youโ€™re actually using that time to ruin your physical health, destroying your nerves and confidence in order to suffer a lifetime of slavery, pain, melancholy and peevishness. Surely that must worry you, right?โ€

Itโ€™s apparent at this point โ€” especially with younger users โ€” that theyโ€™ve never considered it a lifetime addiction. Occasionally, they work out the time they waste in a week and thatโ€™s alarming enough. Very occasionally, and only when they think of stopping, theyโ€™ll estimate what they spend in a year which is frightening โ€” but over a lifetime is unthinkable. However, because weโ€™re in an argument the confirmed user will impulsively say, โ€œI can afford it, itโ€™s only so much a weekโ€, pulling an encyclopedia salesman routine on themselves.

Would you refuse a job offer which pays your current annual salary and also gives you a month off every year? Any user would sign in a heartbeat and would get busy finding holiday deals to exotic locations. Figuring out how to spend a full month with no work would be the biggest problem to solve. In every discussion with a confirmed user (and please bear in mind thatโ€™s not someone like yourself who plans to stop) nobody has ever taken me up on that offer. Why not?

Often at this point, a confirmed user will say, โ€œLook, Iโ€™m not really worried about the money aspect.โ€ If youโ€™re thinking along those lines ask yourself why you arenโ€™t worried. Why in other aspects of your life will you go to great deals of trouble to save a few dollars here and there, but spend thousands killing your happiness and hanging the expense?

Every other decision you make in your life will be the result of an analytical process of weighing up advantages and disadvantages to arrive at a rational decision. It may be the wrong decision, but itโ€™ll be the result of rational deduction. Whenever any user weighs up the pros and cons of using internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, the answer is a dozen times over, โ€œSTOP USING! YOUโ€™RE A MUG!โ€ Therefore, all users are using not because they want or decide to, but because they canโ€™t stop. They have to use ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, and so brainwash themselves, keeping their heads in the sand.

Confirmed users should keep in mind that the situation will only get exponentially worse, with more studies coming out and more people talking about the ill effects of internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. Today, itโ€™s non-medical people discussing the effects, tomorrow itโ€™ll be on your doctorโ€™s list of diagnostic tests. Gone are the days where the user can hide โ€˜downtimeโ€™ behind work stress in their sex life; your partner is going to ask why youโ€™re on your laptop late at night. The poor user โ€” already feeling wretched โ€” now wants the ground to open up and swallow them.

The strange thing is that though many people would pay good money for gym memberships and personal trainers to build muscles and look sculpted (and many of them in their imaginary (and real) desperation turn to treatments such as boosting testosterone, with dubious and dangerous side effects), there are many people in this group who would benefit from stopping a practice systematically destroying their brainโ€™s natural relaxation systems.

This is because theyโ€™re still thinking with the brainwashed mind of the user. Wipe the sand out of your eyes for a moment. Internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is a chain reaction and a chain for life, and if you donโ€™t break that chain youโ€™ll remain a user for the rest of your life. Estimate how much time you think youโ€™ll spend on ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ for the remainder of your existence. Obviously the amount will vary from person to person, but letโ€™s assume itโ€™s a year and a half of work hours. Imagine if there were a cheque from the lottery for a year and a half of your salary lying on your carpet tomorrow? Youโ€™d be dancing with delight, so start dancing! Youโ€™re about to start receiving those benefits!

If you think this is a tricky way of seeing it, youโ€™re still kidding yourself. Work out how much time you would have saved if youโ€™d never taken your first peek right at the very start.

Shortly, youโ€™ll be making the decision to use your final session (not yet, please remember the instructions!), remaining a non-user by not falling for the trap again. All you have to do to remain a non-user is not using ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and avoiding โ€˜just one peekโ€™. Remember if you do, itโ€™ll cost you whatever you estimated your salary gain will be.

If youโ€™re mentoring someone for their ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ addiction, tell them they know someone whoโ€™s refused a job offer that pays their current annual salary and also gives them a full monthโ€™s worth of paid time off. When asked who that idiot is tell them, โ€œYou!โ€ Itโ€™s rude, but sometimes you need to get the point across in a less than polite way.

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Summarization 8:

Reading Time: 1.5 minutes

  1. Recognizing the Reasons to Quit:

    • Users often express the desire to quit pornography due to health, religious, or partner-related concerns.
    • The chapter highlights the enslaving nature of pornography, comparing it to self-imposed slavery.
  2. The Impact of Brainwashing:

    • The text underscores the role of brainwashing, making it challenging for users to quit.
    • The importance of dispelling misconceptions about pornographyโ€™s impact before attempting to quit is emphasized.
  3. Time as a Powerful Motivator:

    • The author argues that time is a compelling factor for quitting, especially for younger users.
    • Users are encouraged to consider the significant amount of time spent on pornography, framing it as a precious resource.
  4. Viewing Pornography as a Lifetime Addiction:

    • Users are prompted to view pornography as a lifelong addiction, challenging them to consider the long-term impact.
    • The analogy of refusing a job offer that pays the current salary with an additional month off every year is presented.
  5. Financial Perspective on Destructive Habits:

    • The author questions usersโ€™ willingness to spend on destructive habits while being cautious in other areas of life.
    • Users are urged to reflect on the financial cost of their addiction and its impact on overall well-being.
  6. Analyzing Decision-Making Processes:

    • The text points out that decisions related to pornography use often lack rational analysis.
    • Users are encouraged to break the chain of compulsion and addiction through thoughtful decision-making.
  7. Shifting Perspectives:

    • Users are prompted to shift their mindset from the brainwashed perspective of a user to that of a non-user.
    • The destructive nature of internet pornography is emphasized, urging users to break free from the addictive cycle.
  8. Anticipating Future Consequences:

    • The chapter predicts a worsening situation for users as more studies on the negative effects of internet pornography emerge.
    • Societal awareness is expected to increase, leading to greater consequences for users.
  9. Motivational Strategy for Mentoring:

    • A bold strategy for mentors is introduced, using the analogy of refusing a lucrative job offer.
    • This approach aims to jolt individuals into recognizing the magnitude of their addiction and the potential benefits of quitting.

Chapter 9


Reading Time: 11.5 minutes

This is the area where the brainwashing is the greatest with users โ€” particularly the young and single โ€” who think theyโ€™re aware of the health risks but arenโ€™t. Many kid themselves by saying theyโ€™re prepared to accept the consequences. If your internet router had a function that played an alarm tone with a warning when you hit a ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ site saying โ€” โ€œUp until now youโ€™ve gotten away with it, but if you stay another minute your head will explode.โ€ Would you have stayed? If youโ€™re in doubt about the answer try walking up to a cliff, standing on the edge with your eyes closed and imagining having the choice of either quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ or walking up blindfolded.

Thereโ€™s no doubt what your choice would be, but by burying your head in the sand and hoping that youโ€™ll wake up one morning and not want to watch ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ anymore, you accomplish nothing. Users cannot allow themselves to think of the health risks, because if they do, the addictionโ€™s illusory enjoyment goes. This explains why shock treatments are so ineffective in the first stages of quitting: itโ€™s only non-users who bring themselves to read about the destructive brain changes.

Take this common conversation with users, generally younger ones.

Me: โ€œWhy do you want to stop?โ€

User: โ€œI read in a pick-up artistโ€™s blog that itโ€™s good to stop for four days to amp myself up.โ€

Me: โ€œArenโ€™t you worried about the health risks?โ€

User: โ€œNo, I could step under a bus tomorrow.โ€

Me: โ€œBut would you deliberately step under a bus?โ€

User: โ€œOf course not.โ€

Me: โ€œDo you not bother to look left and right when you cross the road?โ€

User: โ€œOf course I do.โ€

Exactly, they go through a lot of trouble not to step under a bus and the odds are thousands to one against it happening. Yet the user risks the near-certainty of being crippled by their addiction and appears to be completely oblivious. Such is the power of the brainwashing; internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is a wolf in sheepโ€™s clothing. Isnโ€™t it strange that if we felt there were the slightest fault in an airplane we wouldnโ€™t go up in it โ€” even though the risks are millions to one โ€” yet we take more than a one-in-four certainty with ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and are apparently oblivious to it? What does the user get out of this? Absolutely nothing!

Another common myth is depression or peevishness. Many younger people arenโ€™t worried about their health because they donโ€™t suffer any of the depression or melancholy. The depression or stress isnโ€™t the disease, itโ€™s a symptom. Younger people in general donโ€™t feel the irritability or depression created due to their bodyโ€™s natural ability to produce more dopamine. As they age or their lives encounter serious setbacks, their already depleted resources are overworked and theyโ€™ll experience full-blown symptoms. When older users feel stressed, depressed or irritated, itโ€™s because natureโ€™s fail-safe mechanisms are protecting the nervous system from excessive dopamine-flooding through trimming receptors. The user also develops other neurological changes that keep them in the rut.

Think of it this way, if you had a nice car and allowed it to rust without doing anything about it, that would be pretty stupid. It would quickly become an immovable heap of rust, incapable of transporting you anywhere. However, it wouldnโ€™t be the end of the world as itโ€™s only a question of money. But your body is the vehicle that carries you through life. We all say that our health is our greatest asset โ€” ask any sick millionaire. Most of us can look back on an illness or accident in our lives where we prayed to get better. By being a ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ user, youโ€™re not only letting the rust get in and doing nothing about it, youโ€™re systematically destroying the one vehicle used to go through your entire life.

Wise up. You donโ€™t have to do this. Remember, itโ€™s doing absolutely nothing for you. Just for a moment, take your head out of the sand and ask yourself that if you knew with certainty that your next session would start a process that would make you utterly unresponsive to someone you deeply love, would you continue using? Speaking to the people this happens to, they certainly didnโ€™t expect it would happen to them either, and the worst thing isnโ€™t the disease itself but the knowledge that theyโ€™ve brought it on themselves. Try to imagine how people whoโ€™ve โ€˜hit the buttonโ€™ feel, for them the brainwashing is ended. They spend the remainder of their lives thinking, โ€œWhy did I kid myself for so long that I needed to masturbate to internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡? If only I had the chance to go back!โ€

Stop kidding yourself, you have that chance. Itโ€™s a chain reaction, if you engage in the next ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ session, itโ€™ll lead you to the next one and the next. Itโ€™s already happening to you. EasyPeasy promises no shock treatment so if youโ€™ve already decided that youโ€™re going to stop, the following wonโ€™t be shocking for you. If you havenโ€™t, skip the remainder of this chapter and come back to it once youโ€™ve read the rest of the book.

Volumes upon volumes of research have already been written about the damage internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ causes to our sex lives and mental well-being. The trouble is that until deciding to stop they donโ€™t want to know. Forums and mentor groups are a waste of time because ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ puts the blinders on. If inadvertently read, the first thing they do is to open their favorite tube site. ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ users tend to think of the happiness, stress and sex hazards as a hit-and-miss affair, like stepping on a land mine.

Get it into your head, itโ€™s already happening. Every single time you open your ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ site youโ€™re triggering dopamine-flooding and opioids getting to work. The neural water slides are greased and the ride takes you smoothly through the next steps, your brain having already given in to the script. The nervous system is now flooded by dopamine and since itโ€™s the umpteenth time, dopamine receptors close up and the little monster uses this slight dip in pleasure compared to the last time to drive you further over the red line to more-shocking ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ or behaviour in order to release more dopamine. More novelty, more dopamine and the little monster tells you to keep going. So many pictures and videos in a single session triggers a supernormal stimulus, injecting more chemicals into the brain and driving you to continue.

The entire time, your receptors are receiving information to shut down in response to the flooding. Orgasm only increases this effect and leads to withdrawal. Youโ€™re in denial since the little monster craves for its fix with no real pain and discomfort. The threat of having erectile dysfunction terrifies many, which is why they block it from their mind and overshadow it with the fear of stopping. Itโ€™s not that the fear is greater, but quitting today is immediate. Why look on the negative side? Perhaps it wonโ€™t happen, having bound to have quit by then anyway.

We tend to think of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ as a tug-of-war: on one side is fear, โ€œItโ€™s unhealthy, filthy and enslaving.โ€ On the other side, the positives: โ€œItโ€™s my pleasure, my friend, my crutch.โ€ It never seems to occur to us this side is also fear; itโ€™s not that we enjoy ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, itโ€™s that we tend to be miserable without it. Heroin addicts deprived of heroin go through misery, but picture the utter joy when theyโ€™re finally allowed to plunge a needle into their vein and end that terrible craving. Try to imagine how anyone could actually believe they get pleasure from sticking a hypodermic syringe into a vein. Non-heroin addicts donโ€™t suffer that panic feeling and heroin doesnโ€™t relieve the feeling, it causes it.

Non-users donโ€™t feel miserable if they arenโ€™t allowed to use ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ โ€” itโ€™s only users that suffer that feeling. Internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ doesnโ€™t relieve the feeling, it causes it. The fear of the negative consequences doesnโ€™t help users quit, because they liken the feeling to walking through a minefield. If you get away with it, fine, but if you were unlucky you stepped on a mine and faced the consequences. If you knew the risks and were prepared to take them, what did it have to do with anyone else? Addicts in this state typically develop the following evasive tactics.

โ€œYouโ€™ll eventually get old and lose your sexual prowess anywayโ€ฆโ€

Of course you do, but sexual prowess isnโ€™t the point โ€” weโ€™re talking slavery here. Even if thatโ€™s the case, is that a logical reason for deliberately cutting yourself short?

โ€œQuality of life is more important than just living.โ€

Precisely! Are you suggesting that the quality of life of an addict is greater than someone who isnโ€™t addicted? Do you really believe the quality of a userโ€™s life is better than a non-userโ€™s? A life spent covering their head in the sand and being miserable doesnโ€™t sound like a pleasant one.

โ€œIโ€™m single and not planning to settle down in the future, so why not?โ€

Even if that were true, is that a logical reason for playing with neurological impulse-control mechanisms? Can you possibly conceive of anyone being stupid enough to strip naked whenever theyโ€™re alone, regardless of how sure they arenโ€™t expecting anyone? Thatโ€™s what ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ users effectively do!

Progressive gunging-up of our reward circuits with excessive stimulation, and making them incapable of handling normal stresses of life doesnโ€™t help in enjoying your life with enthusiasm and vigour. ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and masturbation has replaced the natural sexual appetite, like a chocolate bar replacing real food. Unsurprisingly, many doctors and psychologists are now relating various mental-health problems to physiological causes. The mainstream medical community has laboured that ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ has never been scientifically proven to be the direct cause of the issues reported by self-confessing individuals, but admitting oneโ€™s sexual inability in public is such a shame-triggering event, so why would anyone do so unless they were really concerned, having found the cause and eliminated it from their own lives?

EasyPeasy will help you rid yourself of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and become a happy ex-user. No ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡-aided masturbation or unnecessary orgasms. The only aid will be the touch, sight and scent of your partner. Like wholegrain bread after a well developed appetite, youโ€™ll no longer want the high-fructose corn syrup of internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡. Evidence so overwhelming needs no proof; when I bang my thumb with a hammer and it hurts, it need not be proven. The stress of internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ has flow-on effects onto other aspects of the userโ€™s life, predisposing many to turn to drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol to cope, and in some instances even turning the host to consider suicide.

Users also suffer illusions that the ill effects of ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ are overstated. The reverse is the case, thereโ€™s no doubt that internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is the major cause of sexual dysfunction and many other problems. How many divorces have been caused by ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡? There are no reliable ways to know, but searches of online communities suggest the number is growing exponentially.

Thereโ€™s an episode of Friends where the guys, who were receiving continuous free ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ on TV, started to wonder why the pizza delivery girl didnโ€™t ask to check out their โ€˜big bedroomโ€™. When youโ€™re addicted, you invariably project ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ fantasies on real women. Imagine what careless or even accidental ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ exposure on the darker sides of the internet might do to someone already at a tipping point in their life. Fighting against these ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡-induced thoughts will be a major drain on their mental health.

(Hereโ€™s another thought experiment: letโ€™s say someone comes to you and says they donโ€™t necessarily want an orgasm but very much want to make love, even penetratively. They want to do it for as long and as far as you can go without an orgasm โ€” but if it happens then itโ€™s fine. I assure you of a phenomenal new sexual experience far better than any other, if you ever get that offer. Try it.)

Effects of the brainwashing make us tend to think like the man who, having fallen off a 100-storey building, is quoted saying as he whizzes past the fiftieth floor, โ€œSo far, so good!โ€ We think that as weโ€™ve gotten away with it so far, one more ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ session wonโ€™t make the difference. See it another way: the โ€˜habitโ€™ is a continuous chain for life with each session creating the need for the next. When you start the habit, you light a fuse. The trouble is, you donโ€™t know how long the fuse is. Every time you give in to a ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ session youโ€™re one step closer to the bomb exploding. HOW WILL YOU KNOW IF ITโ€™S THE NEXT ONE?

9.1 Sinister Black Shadows

Reading Time: 1 minute

Users find it very difficult to believe that internet ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ actually causes those insecure feelings when youโ€™re out late at night after a contentious day at home or work. Non-users donโ€™t suffer from that feeling, itโ€™s ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ that causes it.

Another of the great joys of quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ is the freedom from the sinister black shadows at the back of our minds. All users know theyโ€™re fools to close their minds from the ill effects of pornography. For most of our lives itโ€™s automatic, but the black shadows are always lurking in our subconscious minds, just below the surface. Several of the marvellous benefits of quitting are conscious, such as the ending of the waste of time and of the sheer stupidity of making love to a two-dimensional image.

The last chapters have dealt with the considerable advantages of being a non-user, but in the interest of fairness itโ€™s necessary to give a balanced account. Therefore, the next chapter lists the advantages of being a user.