Unable to follow my schedule 😞

Guys I am unable to follow my routine these days. I don’t know why I feel exhausting throughout the day. Even though I have crossed over 50 days for the first,contrary to my expectations,I am unable to wake up at 4:30 am and do my exercises and yoga.

I wakes up at 7 am,then when I go for jogging :athletic_shoe: for 20 minutes. After I came back I feel so exhausted that I go to sleep for 1 hour again. Then start my day at 10 am…

Anyone any suggestions??


Im not against waking up. But waking up that early without proper rest will do more harm than good

I wake up at 7… Start working at 8 and i put in 10+ productive hours with 2 hour of sleep in the afternoon… And I get 7 hours of sleep too at night


If u wake up grumpy at 4, what good does it do?

I knw successful people wake up at 4, but they have other things sorted too…


When do you go to bed? For how long have you tried the new sleep schedule? How much mental stress do you have?

I figured out what works for me. I need 8hrs of sleep on a normal workday. If it is stessful (on my case more mentally demanding, like if i’m nervous because i have to teach a labcourse at uni) i need more. Usually about 8.5 hrs.

Adapting to a new sleep schedule also takes quite a lot of time.

Two things that helped me to wake up 4 hours earlier than usual (6am instead of 10am) is:

  • Having a clear reason why you want to wake up in the morning. The bed is comfortable. You need a reason why you WANT to get up. (If you think why you have to get up, the bed will just become more comfy)
  • before you go to bed, do some mental affirmation. Clearly imagine the morning, imgine your alarm is ringing. Imagine yourself getting out of the bed immediately with a smile on your face and with energy and positivity for the next day. Works like a charm for me

If you have a routine already in place, just fix your sleeping hours

I stick to my time table mainly bcuz its flexible and realistic. I can check my boxes right at the end of the day. Thats my reward

I also plan without fail for next day

So smart time blocking with good rest equals productivity


The golden rule is take as many less decisions on daily basis on what to do as possible. You can ensure this by through planning… Sleep accordingly too

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What do you use for planning your day out ? Any journal or app ?
Can you please let me how how do schedule your tasks accordingly ? Like for what time,how much to do
I’m very poor planner,I don’t plan my day at all. Earlier I used to think that fapping has made me like this, not planning ahead. After having on 53 days streak,now that I have realized that it’s my instinct,my own natural self who doesn’t know how to do planning properly. Fapping has nothing to do with the ability for planning

It’s not really true. You will find many examples where sleeping routine heavily varies from people to people even among successful ones. Most important is following an strict routine does help.


My goal is 7-8 hours of study. I can do this only when I knw what to do before hand

  • So firstly figure out your goal
  • Make three time tables - one for month, one for week and one every night before you sleep
  • Track your time doing it using any app- you will clearly see how much time you are wasting
  • I use Evernote for monthly and weekly timetable making (Note: this time must be flexible)
  • For everyday time table I use to any.do (but now using TickTick)
  • I study in 3 blocks of 4 hours, 3 hours and 1.5 hours. Follow this method. You are most productive in the morning so plan accordingly.
  • Don’t use pomodoro. Instead practice deep work. Get up and drink water when you feel bored. Stretch.
  • Throw your phone away. No phone until work is finished (must follow). You can use it as a reward after intense productive hours
  • Follow strictly. Be self accountable. If you waste time your body should be restless. Don’t relax until job is done. Period

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