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This video will 100% make you start Nofap if you truly understand it


@Binocular thanks man
This video gave me the Motivation
I will do Nofap


Good luck:fire: :four_leaf_clover:

Stay strong!!!

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I really hoped that this video may make me want to join nofap. But it doesn’t work for those who gave up long ago.


Nice you are still alive, I don’t know the reason that made you give up but let me tell you one thing:

A true warrior would lose many battles but the war only ends when his life ends, until then, he would never ever give up even if it seems impossible even if he knows that he won’t succeed but:

He also won’t lose

Remember that before, you have chosen Nofap for a reason


I have chosen nofap for the following reason

  1. obtaining good mark in exams

  2. Learning new things.

  3. reducing lethargy


We all have our own reasons
Let Nofap be the way to achieve them
Don’t let Nofap be your only goal
Cause change is a direction
Not a destination

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You’re absolutely right: a true warrior would never give up. That’s what giving up means: stopping being a warrior.



One has a warrior inside of him. Everyone including you.
he is trying to speak to you but you ingnore him, you decided to punish him to a place far away from your soul, you decided to isolate him all these years.

It’s all your fault, I know that it’s hard but even if it seems hard or maybe impossible, I would rather die right now on my Nofap streak then die right now relapsing. You are a human like me and everyone, if they can do it then

You can

If you are reading this with your spirit you will realize the way to free your warrior


Do something even if it seems impossible.
It’s hard even to think about it :face_with_peeking_eye:


Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.


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