فارس يحارب ظلام الإباحية

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السلام عليكم اخي

كيف الحال

انا نتكلم العربي قليل😅

What’s the meaning of all these…??

Lol I said,… :point_down:

*"Assalamu alaikum

How are you brother

I know little arabic"*

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I thought tat person speaks arabic so wanted to welcome him from his language

Still I can’t understand the topic which is in Arabic :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

It means a knight fighting the darkness of pornography


Wow here we have an arab😃

Nice to meet you mahn😅

How is nofap journey brother

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اهلا بك اخي
جميعنا معا في هذه المسيرة للعيش بدون العادة السرية والاباحية. لست وحدك، جميعنا معك ،، لا تتردد في طلب المساعدة، لا تتردد بالتكلم عما يزعجك، بكل صراحة، لن يحكم عليك احد مهما كان الحال.
نحن هنا لمساندتك،، وجميعنا سعداء جدا لإنضمامك.
اهلا بك

نظرا لتعدد اللهجات وتغير اللغة العامية من منطقة لأخرى، ،، سأكتب الفصحة.

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It’s not easy but definitely worth it. How is it going for you? Hope you’re doing well!

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Same here but for the past days I am not going more than 4 to 5 days.

Always has been my problem relapsing after a long streak, that is picking the momentum again.

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I didn’t understand even a single word​:roll_eyes::thinking:

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Just warm welcome, we’re here for u, you’re not alone. And GL

U should learn arabic :stuck_out_tongue:

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:expressionless:fine then, I will.

Hahahaha :joy:. . …

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By the way how’s your journey brother

You will prevail just keep trying and don’t ever give up.

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…Sure brother I will keep trying…

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standing strong so far, but sad, Emptyness
But god is blessing me with alot, life is gettinf better
What about u brother

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Not giving up is all i can tell u about myself right now

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