To those who crossed 25 days

I’ve been discharging a thick sticky fluid uncontrollably without having done anything to cause it. Is this normal at this point? Should I be expecting nightfall?

I am at day 27, expirenced nightfall on day 15, it was huge. Believe me you don’t have to worry. Because we were doing m for so long that our body it weird to produce huge amounts of semen, when we stop jerking off body release this semen naturally via nightfall. But beware nightfall is good masterbating isn’t, because masterbating will tell body to make more semen nightfall don’t. So if you don’t masturbate or watch porn for long time your body will rest to its natural cycle and you will have less nightfalls.


Actually it’s a sign for those heavy fappers who don’t fap for too long. It’s not really nightfall it’s your testicles giving you signles that there is a sperm overload and that’s why your penis is secreting pre-cum so keep calm don’t panic and control your urges problems like these should be solved after you cross the 60 days mark…
After that your willpower and control will be tested…