This man is an inspiration

The singer of this song B.I got falsely accused in drug Scandal in 2019 , as a result he had to leave his group IKON that debuted in 2015 of which he was Leader… His sample was tested and it showed he didn’t do drugs , but coz of this Scandal he slipped into depression and was never seen publicly, Everyone thought his career was over at the age of 22.

In 2021 he turned 24 and he made a solo debut to the industry by producing a new album WATERFALL by opening a new label named 131 Labels . All tracks are about his depression and suffering , and the title track of Album(which I shared) made it to BILLBOARD…

What I wanted to say is never give up , life is tough , sometimes Life give you so much pain , that you get used to it and from their your success starts …
Everything passes, nothing stays . Tough times breaks you , but these are the days that only make you.



Thanks for sharing this brother :zap::heart: The man really is an inspiration. The song is amazing :fire:


I’m happy B.I is back …He is an inspiration…:raised_hands::fire:


I don’t listen to korean songs but I have to agree this song is quite awesome, he put all his emotions into creating the music :fire::fire:.


Yeah man , whenever I listen to this and his whole album makes me cry … I could relate so much to the lyrics and how dirty this cruel world did to him.:sob:

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And he still came back after all of it :fire::fire::fire::fire::100::100::100:

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