This is to the females

If you can you can report this user so that they don’t disturb others females and also help us to clean this forum.

If you look at the activities of hex93 …he first did texting to sakshi, she ignored him this boosted the man and then there are more chances of this man might have texted to jynx as well…se his activities…

This conclusion is made by me and akaash…

That’s why I say if you ignore them you’ll boost them and they will keep distroying the forum.

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The deal is simple :

If you are replying to someone JUST because they are female, of you are DMing someone JUST because they are female, if you are reaching out to someone JUST because of the reason they announced themselves to be female in this forum, If you upvote, like posts and shit JUST because they are female, and you wouldn’t do it if they were any other gender, then bruh, you need to get yourself in check.

If you are doing ANYTHING just because the other person is female and you wouldn’t normally do it if the person is male, you’re a fucking SIMP. And a fucking SIMP mentality is what got you addicted in the first place.

There are some who say “if females want to be safe on the forum, they shouldn’t announce they are female in the first place and take an avatar, hiding their gender.” Motherfucker, you are part of the problem too. If men are free to do whatever the fuck on the forum and be carefree and need not fear abuse or harassment or creeps sliding into their dms, so should women.

So @dammy8 @hex93 think to yourself, did you reach out to a person, with the genuine intent to help, or did you reachbout to them just because they are female? Would you reach out to everyone, regardless? If the person was a man, would you have done it?

Now something personal : I got to know of NoFap from a friend, who happened to be female and she was the one who inspired me to try it. She got free from pmo addiction after a lifetime abuse and though she had every reason to blame the world for what they had done to her, she didn’t bend and worked on herself. She got free from her addiction and she will be part of my inspiration in my noPmo journey.

Dude, women don’t need your help. If they do, they’ll ask for it. They are perfectly capable of fending for themselves, and standing up for themselves. The only problem is women’s problems are not exactly the same as ours and they’re looking for other women to discuss it properly.

Just don’t do shit you wouldn’t normally do if they were male. If you’re a genuinely kind person who reaches out to people and checks on them regularly, and not doing it to “play the nice-guy” or some shit, we can actualy read that. You’re not fooling anybody. We can sense the difference between people “acting nice” (ie Simps) and genuinely kind and warm.

So cut the bullshit. Why the fuck do we even have to discuss this?


Acting nice means your a simp? Since when has being a simp mean you act nice and polite?

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“Acting” nice and polite means you’re a simp. It’s a part of the simp mentality, on the surface of it atleast. Inside, at the core it is some shit far far worse. :sweat_smile:

“Being” nice and polite is different. And literally anybody is able to tell the difference.

Exactly brother… Trying to help them even without themselves wanting you to…

In akshada’s case she denied him helping…even then he wanted to help(abuse) …:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:it’s indeed the simp mentality.

Sakshi is an old member of forum. Hex93 joined on Oct 2 many days later…
He himself does not know how to rewire and started helping others​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

If he knows more he can help more​:joy::joy::joy::joy:
First help yourself…and prove yourself…

Sometimes even I feel like talking a girl could help you more…but I never did because.

If your intention would be bad it would harm and provoke you to relapse…

lust is more then just pmo. It is reflected in your thoughts, lifestyle, habbits and everything. Pmo is just the highest level of lust. We need to win this first. Then help others.:innocent::innocent::innocent:

Do something of the man and let’s end this debate.

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I get you now actually. You said “acting” which isn’t the same as being. Your correct.
So a simp a faker who acts nice and polite when they truly aren’t since they are acting. Correct?

I dont think men can help woman as you expect them to coz yes we have same urges but our bodies and perspective of things are totally different regarding society. Among men PMO is normalized but its much of a taboo for them. Even if they have “missing an answer” its much better by not looking for that answer risking their mental state with all pervs and creeps in their dms and rather find that answer by themselves or with their respective female companions


I don’t blame ya’ll for trolling females because of your dopamine hikes but also i know that we need to have a sense of decency and respect to those around us. So we all must do our part to support both female and males here. Starts with being your true self and not a Simp.

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Trolling is just a pathetic way to get that dopamine. No matter their reason, human decency is some basic shit every human should have, if they gonna troll they don’t deserve to be here

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Yeah, essentially

Acts nice and polite ESPECIALLY because they are dealing with a woman, with some schemes in mind, I guess.

And literally anyone can tell the difference. Just observe men interacting with women IRL and you’ll be able to. It’s wierd and creepy.

They wouldn’t normally bat an eye if it was a guy involved.


@neetwarrior I think you should ask @aprilsadmirer what my intention is he will explain to you better

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Dude @dammy8 i don’t honestly care what your intentions were.
You are the only person who should care.
I’m outta here

Men are by society have social norms to act a specific way towards women but aren’t truly being the thing they want to be around woman that they are comfortable being! It could be the case for Simp mentality influence in society. Obviously if your going to open the door for a woman ITS because it comes from the heart not a must or as the words say “ACT” kind. For that reason we shouldn’t only have “Rewire Companion” app but also other things that will improve ourselves as men and how to be ourselves and not act other Simps.

This is so true in the NoFap community. There are too many simps. Just look at a regular post on the blackboard, saying something like “I’m on day 3 blah blah”. That would get what, maybe 10 upvotes at best, right? Put “I’m a female” first and then the same message, that person gets 100+ upvotes, a couple of follow requests and DMs. I only have pity for those dudes.


Here my 2 cents

Don’t waste time, use it for something better


@neetwarrior I see your concern but @dammy8 is right he has been helping me for a month. I’m a guy who’s walking out of this bondage. He has been a tremendous help to me. We check in with each other daily. I have come to know this brother and I have no doubt that @dammy8 had nothing but good intentions. He wants to see real freedom for the prisoners of PMO.

That being said, we should be on guard discussing PMO subjects with the opposite sex, for this could be potentially triggering to us or them. I myself would not be strong enough to do this.

Exercise wisdom, let’s stay focused on the fight.
We’re brothers as far as I am concerned lets stay in this together.

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You got a hell of a point brother. These people are everywhere and they get boosted because the victims ignore and don’t fight back. Be it harassment, or Rape or bullying, be it man, or woman. Remember if you don’t fight back, your enemy will strike you harder next time and maybe you won’t be able to walk off this time

What the fuck is happening here, i was off the forum for a month now i was checking for all the new popular topics. Then I found this and red it from top to bottom.

I agree that these type of incidents are increasing, I never heard of this activity till 2 months ago.
This is unacceptable.
This is a sacred place to rewire. Don’t you corrupt it
Ye koi randi khana nhi h.
Firstly these should rewire themselves before being a saviour.
Think of the females on the forum as sisters and mens as brothers to avoid getting lustful thoughts.
Please if you find any of these shitty people just take the screenshot and post it.
If we start taking actions these creeps will be afraid to do something like this again.