Think ! What if there was no porn in this world

Let’s discuss it guys. What are your thoughts, if there was no porn. What would be in place of porn. Any ideas. If so let’s mske it in place of porn for healthy addiction let’s get over porn. Porn is easy to quit if you have no access to it. So cut of your influence and get rid of the key to unlock it.

Sorry to say this, but I guess this is very unrealistic. Since people have sexual urges, porn would emerge… In particular, there are records of porn-related imagery in historic Japan (of that at least I’m certain) and probably there were some in other parts of the world.

I’d raise a different question - what would need to change in us if we’d want to see porn eradicated, and what other changes would follow? My humble guess - sex drive would need to be absent in some portions of our lives, potentially appearing periodically.

The comforts of modern day just boost our sexual drive. If you see in some parts of the world like in india, sex is a taboo to be discussed and porn is a crime if found by elders. Do you think this mindset help ? Not questioning just asking your thoughts on it. I must admit, indian youth are going to emerge as one of the most porn consuming users, but still keeping that aside, the older generation have never come across porn as we see now, all they had was magazine which was even not available easily, so naturally they possess lesser sex drive when they are alone. They need a female to boost it which is natural. That resulted in overpopulation in india.

On one hand, the mindset of sexualised civilization is not helping, at least in my local variant, which maybe has some relation to how it is viewed in India. In Poland, on one hand at have kind of westernised culture when it comes to overly exhibiting perfect bodies and connecting them to unrelated products, therefore making some kind of temptations pay of daily lives. On the other hand, sexual life is still claimed to be a matter that should be governed by religious restrictions and therefore very often is seen as something that is sinful outside of marriage and even the should happen only in a way that permits conception of a child.

I don’t think this mindset is helpful, as young people undeniably have sexual drive and will seek to have some experiences of this kind. Where there is demand, there will be supply, even if it will be in the dark market sector. I don’t think incriminating it and punishing as a crime is helpful, rather the opposite. Just the same way, I don’t think drug addicts are the ones to be punished for drug possession but rather treated. They are not the problem.

Small trigger ahead
On the other hand, Japan is a culture where festivals of fertility may openly user phalluses or vaginal images not for the sake of distributing porn, but as a celebration of what is very human - the sexual act. I’m not saying Japan is free from porn - far from it - but they have restrictive laws concerning what has to be censored and I guarantee - a lot.
End of triggers

So in short - one can have different approaches to sexuality and porn, but it’s a thing very hard to eradicate for some reason. My conjecture is as above for the reasons why it persists.

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I would say sexual urges are common
But the thing missing is we are not taught how to use sexual energy for productive use
Its same like using phone
Phone is a good invention
We just dont know how to get benefitted from it
In ancient times people used to do farming and for travelling they used to go by walk and many other works
So the sexual energy was unknowingly utilised hence it didn’t matter to people
But now we have so many technologies that the work gets done automatically and we need not do any work
If we dont do any work how will we use our sexual energy ?
That’s just my thoughts thank you


I think we watch porn cause we have all negative thoughts about sex …if they teach students about sex education in high school properly not awkwardly then i think porn is going to extinct

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