The rewiring happens anywhere between 4-8 weeks

The brain is like a weed if you stop watering it now after 30 days the rewiring starts. You will have a better life after that


Dude. No. I disagree. Day 30 seems like such a magic number for people. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s ok to have 30 days as a goal, but understand that’s not what you’re after. You want a total reboot. To reset your mind, and make sure you won’t lose because you’re so passionate now. Everyone is different, and it’s going to take a different amount of time for people to reboot. Not 30 days. If everyone expects that day 30 will make it easier then a lot of people will fail because when it doesn’t happen they’ll get dissapointed and give up. Success is something you grow into. You keep learning and keep pushing no matter what day it is. Every second counts. Make the most of your precious life on Earth. Anyways this is just my opinion. Hope this helps.


Yeah bro i agree if you see the rank badge you can see nearly half of the people didn’t pass through the 7 th day. From that data and my experience i think the starting is harder. After that it is not that hard. Anyhow i am on a 300 day challenge


Yeah I do agree with both of you. The brain does take time to heal, and it won’t rewire immediately. However, I also agree that it takes different amounts of time for everyone. I just relapsed after a 30 day streak. I feel so guilty and sad right now, but it was only half a year ago when I was relapsing every other day, and I don’t remember feeling so bad then. Why do I feel so guilty now? I think the longer I am free the harder I fall. I hope that isn’t true. The depression is hitting hard though.


Don’t feel bad and don’t use the word relapse just use slip. Somepeople feel helpless in some situations of their life and they do this to escape. First you have to note all those things and then next time you have to understand it’s part of life and you have to cope with that. I watch j2day youtube videos and in that he slipped his streak due to job stress and later he changed his attitude towards stress. It happens in your life you have to cope with it.

finally the thing is that

1.You have to know the REASON why these people have lost the game and tips from the successful people who have conquered their emotions and won the game.
2.Think of the consequences of failing. So that you will never ever fail.
3.Plan your day to avoid these. (Boredom, loneliness, stress)

Know what you have to do. It’s easy to win the game


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