⚓ The Navy Challenge [Entries Open Till 31 Dec 2024]

:spiral_notepad: Sailors List

Sailor NoFap Streak (in days) Balance Age/Gender
astrlixs 16 $100 15 M
B7M5 11 $600 18 M
Chamindu12 $200 17 M
FapRecovery $200
Green_Lantern 77 $200 38 M
Homer7304 $200
Imaginator 4 $100
KASH09 $200
LosTman14 16 $200 20 M
Mr.Impossible $200
mrpingpong $200
neroferell244466666 $200
Prayer_Warrior 30 $100 38 M
redFalcon $200
robinbe_friend 1 $200 Male
sammeena 4 $200 24 M
Shivamgotnochill $200
SinX21 $200
SpideyX 1 $200 Private
TheRevanchist $200
Thor487 13 $200 19 M
user1234567890 5 $100 25 M
Walnes 101 $900 Private
wool 2 $200 Private
Sailors Progress
For better viewing experience please open the spreadsheet in web browser or google sheets app. Thank you!
The spreadsheet contains your Check-in Info, AWOL Info and NoFap streak Info.

:x: Eliminated Sailors [1]

Sailor Reason for Elimination
Awaken_one $0 balance
Covertxomic1 $0 balance
saon $0 balance
Terrifcolonel $0 balance

:house: Ex-Sailors [2]

  1. This section contains the list of sailors who got eliminated from the challenge because of having $0 balance or AWOL. ↩ī¸Ž

  2. This section contains the list of sailors who decided to discontinue the challenge but they can rejoin again if they wish. ↩ī¸Ž