The Easy Peasy Way To Quit π–―π—ˆπ—‹π—‡

Summarization 28:

Reading Time: 2.5 minutes

  1. Preparation for the Last Session:

    • Ensure you feel confident and excited about quitting.
    • If there are any doubts, re-read the book to reinforce your understanding and commitment.
  2. Make a Solemn Vow:

    • Decide firmly that this is your final visit to any π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ site.
    • Recognize that the trap was never a conscious choice and now you’re making a positive decision to escape it.
  3. Reflect During Your Last Visit:

    • Consciously observe the desperation and artificial nature of π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡.
    • Close the browser with a sense of freedom and relief, not deprivation.
  4. Post-Visit Mental Approach:

    • Understand that any cravings are psychological, not physical.
    • Embrace the feeling of being a non-user immediately after closing the browser.
  5. Avoiding Common Pitfalls:

    • Don’t wait for a moment of revelation; the decision itself is your liberation.
    • Avoid substituting other activities or substances for π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡, as they will only prolong the craving and brainwashing.
  6. Mindset for Long-Term Success:

    • Reaffirm your decision regularly, especially during any cravings or doubts.
    • View remaining users with pity, understanding they are still trapped, while you are free.
  7. Adopt a Non-User Perspective:

    • Non-users have no desire or need for π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ and don’t feel deprived.
    • Focus on the positives of quitting, such as improved health and mental clarity.
  8. Daily Reinforcement:

    • Continue with your regular life without making significant changes just because you’ve quit π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡.
    • Celebrate your freedom from the addiction with the mantra: β€œYIPPEE! I’M A NON-USER!”
  9. No Going Back:

    • No former user, armed with the knowledge of addiction, would choose to start again.
    • Even long-term quitters can fall back into the trap if they’re not vigilant.
  10. Vigilance is Key:

  • Users who find it easy to quit can also find it easy to relapse.
  • Make a lifelong commitment to avoid π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡, regardless of confidence levels.
  1. Media Influence:
  • Be wary of media normalizing π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ consumption, as it can damage relationships and well-being.
  1. First Visit After Quitting:
  • The first peek or visit after quitting will not provide relief from withdrawal pangs.
  • It will only reinforce the dopamine rush and lead to cravings for more, starting the cycle again.