The Easy Peasy Way To Quit ๐–ฏ๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡

Chapter 28

The Final Visit

Reading Time: 8.5 minutes

Having decided on timing, youโ€™re now ready to visit your harem one last time. Before you do so, check on the two essentials.

  1. Do you feel certain of success?
  2. Do you have a feeling of doom and gloom, or a sense of excitement that youโ€™re about to achieve something marvellous?

If you have any doubts, re-read the book first. Remember that you never decided to fall into the ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ trap, but the trap is designed to enslave you for life. In order to escape, you need to make the positive decision that youโ€™re about to stop and to make your final visit.

Remember, the only reason youโ€™ve read this book so far is because youโ€™d dearly love to escape. So make that positive decision now, making a solemn vow that when you close your private browser window, whether finding it easy or difficult, youโ€™ll never visit your harem again. Perhaps youโ€™re worried that youโ€™ve made this vow several times in the past and are still failing, or that youโ€™ll have to go through awful trauma. Have no fear, the worst thing that can possibly happen is that you fail, so therefore you have absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.

But stop even thinking about failure โ€” the beautiful truth is that itโ€™s not only ridiculously easy to quit, you can actually enjoy the process. This time youโ€™re going to use EasyPeasy! All you need to do is follow the simple instructions about to be given.

  1. Make the solemn vow now and mean it.
  2. Browse the pictures and clips on your favorite tube site consciously, looking at the desperate attempts by the site administrators, actors and even amateurs to amplify the shock, novelty and supernormal nature of their wares and ask yourself where the pleasure is.
  3. When you finally close the browser, donโ€™t do so with a feeling of โ€œI must never visit another online harem againโ€ or โ€œIโ€™m not allowed to visit anotherโ€ but instead with a feeling of freedom, like โ€œIsnโ€™t it great? Iโ€™m free! Iโ€™m no longer a slave to ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡! I donโ€™t ever have to visit these filthy sites in my life again.โ€
  4. Be aware that for a few days, thereโ€™ll be a little ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ saboteur inside your stomach. You might only be aware of the feeling of wanting a session. The little ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ monster has been referred to as the slight physical craving for dopamine. Strictly speaking this is incorrect, and itโ€™s important to understand why. Because it takes up to three weeks for that little monster to die, ex-users believe the little monster will continue to crave after the final online harem visit, and therefore they must use willpower to resist the temptation during this period. This isnโ€™t so, the body doesnโ€™t crave ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡-triggered dopamine; only the brain craves.

If you do get that feeling of wanting a peek over the next few days, your brain has a simple choice. It can either interpret that feeling for what it actually is โ€” an empty, insecure feeling started by the first visit to an online ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ site and further perpetuated by each subsequent one, and saying to yourself โ€œYIPPEE! Iโ€™M A NON-USER!โ€

Or, you can start craving for ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ and suffer for the remainder of your life. Just think for a moment, wouldnโ€™t that be an incredibly stupid thing to do? To say, โ€œI never want to watch โ– โ– โ– โ–  againโ€ and then spending the rest of your life saying โ€œIโ€™d love a visitโ€? Thatโ€™s what those using the willpower method do, and itโ€™s no wonder they feel so miserable. Spending the rest of their lives desperately moping for something they desperately hope theyโ€™ll never have. No wonder that so few succeed and the few that do never feel completely free.

โ€™Get this mental picture clearly in your mind, for it can be quite helpful in overcoming the power of external stimuli to disturb you. See yourself sitting quietly, letting the phone ring, ignoring its signal, unmoved by its command. Although you are aware of it, you no longer mind or obey it. Also, get clearly in your mind the fact that the outside signal in itself has no power over you, no power to move you. In the past you have obeyed it, responded to it, purely out of habit. You can, if you wish, form a new habit of not responding.

โ€™Also notice that your failure to respond does not consist in doing something, or making an effort, or resisting or fighting, but in doing nothing โ€” in relaxation from doing. You merely relax, ignore the signal, and let its summons go unheeded. The telephone ringing is a symbolic analogy to any and every other outside stimulus you might habitually give control over to and now choose to very intentionally alter that habit.โ€™

โ€” Maxwell Maltz, The New Psycho Cybernetics Ch. 12.

Itโ€™s only doubting and waiting that makes it difficult to quit, so never doubt your decision because you know itโ€™s the correct one. If you begin to doubt it, youโ€™ll put yourself in a no-win situation. Miserable while craving a visit, but unable to have one. No matter what system you are using, what are you trying to achieve when quitting ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡? Never to watch again? No! Many ex-users do that but go through the rest of their lives feeling deprived.

Whatโ€™s the difference between users and non-users? Non-users havenโ€™t any need, nor desire to watch ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡, theyโ€™re without craving and donโ€™t need to exercise willpower in order to not watch it. Thatโ€™s what youโ€™re trying to achieve and itโ€™s completely within your power to do so. You donโ€™t have to wait to stop craving ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ or become a non-user, itโ€™s completed the moment you close that final browser window, cutting off the supply of dopamine. YOU ARE ALREADY A HAPPY NON-USER!

Youโ€™ll remain a happy non-user provided:

  1. You never doubt your decision.
  2. You donโ€™t wait to become a non-user. If you do, youโ€™ll merely be waiting for nothing to happen and creating a phobia.
  3. You donโ€™t try not to think about ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ or wait for the โ€˜moment of revelationโ€™ to come, creating a phobia.
  4. You donโ€™t use substitutes.
  5. You see all the other users as they really are and pity them rather than envying them.

Whether theyโ€™re good or bad days, donโ€™t change your life just because youโ€™ve quit. If you do, youโ€™ll be making a genuine sacrifice when thereโ€™s no need to. Remember, you havenโ€™t given up living. You havenโ€™t given up anything. On the contrary, youโ€™ve cured yourself from an awful disease and escaped from an insidious prison. As days pass and your health โ€” both physically and mentally โ€” improves, the highs will appear higher and the lows less low than when you were a user. Whenever you think about ๐—‰๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—‡ during the next few days or the rest of your life, think: