The Easy Peasy Way To Quit π–―π—ˆπ—‹π—‡

Summarization 25:

Reading Time: 2 minutes

  1. Avoid Substitutes:

    • Do not use substitutes like π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ magazines, static internet images, or π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ diets. They prolong the addiction and make quitting harder.
  2. Understanding Withdrawal:

    • Cravings are for neurotransmitters (dopamine), not for π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ itself. Substitutes keep you thinking about π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ and do not relieve cravings.
  3. No Safe Pπ—ˆπ—‹π—‡:

    • Avoid anything resembling π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡, such as men’s magazines, certain movies, romance novels, and certain commercials. These keep the addiction alive.
  4. Breaking Myths About Quitting:

    • Quitting π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ isn’t about breaking a habit but about overcoming a dopamine addiction. The actual physical withdrawal pain is minimal.
  5. Ineffectiveness of Gradual Reduction:

    • Gradual reduction or use of β€œsafe π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡β€ only prolongs the addiction. The goal is to kill both the physical and mental aspects of addiction quickly.
  6. Fallacy of Substitutes:

    • Substitutes for π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡ (even food) do not address the addiction and can lead to other issues like overeating. They make it harder to quit by maintaining the mental association with π—‰π—ˆπ—‹π—‡.
  7. Real Rewards vs. Illusory Rewards:

    • Pπ—ˆπ—‹π—‡ sessions were never genuine rewards but rather temporary relief from created discomfort. Genuine breaks and rewards should not involve substitutes.
  8. Positive Mindset:

    • Maintain a positive mindset and see cravings as part of the addiction’s end. Rejoice in the freedom from addiction instead of feeling deprived.utes
  9. Long-Term Freedom:

    • Realize that you will not need substitutes soon and will enjoy genuine breaks and relaxation more without the burden of addiction.