The Easy Peasy Way To Quit š–Æš—ˆš—‹š—‡

29.1 The Checklist

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you follow these instructions, you cannot fail:

  1. Make a solemn vow that youā€™ll never, ever, go online to visit your harem OR settle for static pictures OR make peace with erotic graphics OR anything that contains supernormal stimuli, and stick to your vow.

  2. Get this clear in your mind: Thereā€™s absolutely nothing to give up. By that, it isnā€™t meant that you will be better off as a non-PMOer (youā€™ve known this all along); nor that although there is no rational reason why you PMO, you get some pleasure or crutch from it, since otherwise you wouldnā€™t do it. Whatā€™s meant is thereā€™s no genuine pleasure or crutch in PMOing. Itā€™s just an illusion, like banging your head against a wall to get pleasure when you stop.

  3. Thereā€™s no such thing as a confirmed PMOer. Youā€™re just one of the hundreds of millions whoā€™ve fallen for the subtle trap. Like the millions of other ex-PMOers who once thought they couldnā€™t escape, youā€™ve escaped.

  4. If at any time in your life you were to weigh up the pros and cons of PMOing, the overwhelming conclusion would always be ā€œStop doing it. Youā€™re a fool!ā€ Nothing will ever change that. Itā€™s always been that way and always will be. Having made what you know to be the correct decision, donā€™t ever torture yourself by doubting. Pascalā€™s Wager perfectly applies to PMO, with no chance of loss, high chances of gains, and high chances of avoiding losses.

  5. Donā€™t try not to think about š—‰š—ˆš—‹š—‡, or worry that youā€™re thinking about it constantly. Whenever you do think about it, whether today, tomorrow, or the rest of your life, think ā€œYIPPEE! Iā€™M A NON-PMOer!ā€

  6. Do not use any form of substitute. Do not challenge yourself by keeping your laptop next to you while you sleep. Do not avoid plays, movies or magazines. Do not change your lifestyle in any way purely because youā€™ve stopped. If you follow the above instructions, youā€™ll soon experience the ā€˜moment of revelationā€™, but:

  7. Donā€™t wait for the ā€˜moment of revelationā€™ to come. Just get on with your life, enjoying the highs and coping with the lows. Youā€™ll find in no time at all the moment will arrive.