Thank you and shoutout post @Dari

Just wanted to give huge shoutout to this amazing person @Dari who is helping me a lot about addiction… She is an angel… what she told me was great and relatable… im literally following her instructions and seeing changes in my life…

So if there is any female who is feeling shy or uncomfortable please reach her… She is awesome… Also this community is the best community I’ve ever seen… everyone is so friendly and helping… I dont wanna sound sexist but vibe i get from the males here is totally different than other platforms where you can sense whats their intentions about you… So thank you again everyone… blessed to be here


@Dari has helped me too. Like a lot. Way too much than I thought it would be. Shoutout from my side too. After reading this post in the very first moments I kinda felt a little envious cuz she got another person like that :joy: :joy: :joy: I won’t lie. And I’m not a female or anything :rofl:
But it’s fine.


People, you’re too kind! And you make me blush! And well, you’re doing the main job here, not me, I’m just holding the mirror :wink: you’re overcoming your obstacles because you decided to and have courage and willpower to do so!
You’re amazing!
Love you! And my heart’s with you!


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