Suggestion about ranks

You can only see the name of ranks you already have, but i think it would be nice and useful to see the name of the upcoming rank, so you have something extra and clear to aim for.


You are right
And also it would be nice to add some extra ones, there is a rank called “high emperor” which does not change at all after you reach it… I think it is after 200 days


No bro, let it be mystery. That is real motivation. Otherwise one may falsely think subconsciously that he has already achieved it. If you want to know it, then get it.


Yes, this is very disturbing. @Taher please make the new ranks available in the next update. :pray:


I understand the mistery argument but there are dozens of future ones that can and should stay hidden. Im saying that just the next one to be named or at leat mentioned its a differenr rank

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Yes that would be really nice, but please make sure you don’t add the rank name “God” because that is just ridiculous, and so insulting towards the real God.


Yes, even “demigod” should be avoided. What to say of the God (capital G)? :sweat_smile:

I am not the developer. :slightly_smiling_face:

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XD sorry I thought I was replying to Taher, I wrote my comment in a hurry.

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I for one am ok with having a “God” rank amongst others.

We are addicted to our weakness, and we avoid accepting our oneness with God, and the associated strength, because it’s in our comfort zone to continue our habitual identification with weakness and victimhood. Accepting that you can summon all the strength you need leaves you with no option but to be responsible and loving.

And even if we were to think from a particular religious perspective, I don’t think God can be so thin skinned as to be insulted by our use of certain titles to motivate ourselves towards something worthwhile.


I understand you that it is for motivation, but I was not basing my opinion on my own thinking
Of course everyone have their own beliefs but here is what God/Allah says about those who claim divinity :
“29. And whoever of them should say, “Indeed, I am a god besides Him”- that one We would recompense with Hell. Thus do We recompense the wrongdoers”
Sura #21, verse #29


@Warriors_Journey Thank you for appreciating that everyone is free to have their own beliefs. You are welcome to believe the text you cited as the word of god, others are equally welcome not to :smiling_face:

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Yes free will is there. But reactions will not be different. If a person says in court that he was not aware of the crime, even then he will be punished by government. It doesn’t matter whether you follow the constitution or not, you will be under it anyway. You are given free will, but that cannot be used as an excuse.

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