Stuck in Chaser Effect

After a long streak of 21 days I relapsed on Jan 20 from then I was stuck in chaser Effect . Iam fapping like crazy 4-5 times a day to the point my dick started hurting :sob::sob::sob: , I want to break this Relapse cycle Help :disappointed:


Come back bro You can do it

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Sounds like you have a lot of spare time and energy. I strongly recommend that you find a hobby. You need to use your time and energy wisely. Find a hobby or a project that is productive and creative. Something that requires your full attention and physical energy.

Are you good with electronics? Do you like computers? Do you like to build?

Find out what you want to do. Set goals. After you completed one project, move on to the next. DO NOT IDLE!


@anon41607238 Same here. I’ve not watched P, no urges for that anymore, but I MOed twice-yesterday and today. Let’s get back on track-I’m detoxing from all media till 8 and sleeping by 111 and I suggest you do the same- atleast for a week.


Was this a year ago or something?