Stoic's Journey

This is not related to philosophy, but if you have the time I recommend watching to understand content addiction a little better. Personally I have deleted social medias that I used and have switched to only educational long form videos and audio books for entertainment. Our brains ony have so much space, why waste it with useless content and destroy our attention spans.

At the end he mentions meditation and abstaining from digital life as much as possible. Here are some of the benifits of meditation alone.
Levels of dopamine (the neurotransmitter of pleasure), serotonin (the neurotransmitter of happiness), and GABA (the neurotransmitter of calmness) all rise in response to meditation. And in people who practice on a daily basis, they send signals more routinely.
But the problem is individual and we each must find the combination and realistic solution that works for ourselves.


“We’re tight-fisted with property and money, yet think too little of wasting time, the one thing about which we should all be the toughest misers.”
— Seneca


“We should discipline ourselves in small things, and from these progress to things of greater value.”
-Marcus Aurelius


You were young. Maybe really young. You were still exploring the desires and urges that are natural for a guy your age, but you quickly discovered ■■■■ and realized that it was a way to fulfill all those desires. You didn’t even have to put in the work of using your imagination, let alone finding a woman to help you sate them.

■■■■ is the reason you never talked to that cute girl in third period. ■■■■ is the reason you pretended to ignore the girl that always blushed when she looked at you in high school. ■■■■ is the reason you could never even conjure the confidence to hold a girls hand when you finally went on a date with one, if you even made it that far. ■■■■ was always there for you, satisfying your deepest desires and stripping you of the motivation required to really pursue romance.

And now you’re alone. Your chance for cute high school romance is long since out the window. You met a girl in a bar once, or maybe at a concert, but she wasn’t able to arouse you the way ■■■■ does. Your body wasn’t interested in her because her breasts weren’t bigger than her head, or her skirt wasn’t short enough, out there wasn’t mascara streaming down her cheeks. So you couldn’t get aroused, and once again, you were left all alone. But at least you still had ■■■■.

■■■■ doesn’t love you. ■■■■ doesn’t care about your feelings, and ■■■■ won’t fulfill your urges. It will only flood your brain with dopamine until you need more extreme, more disgusting, more violent stimulation to feel a single thing.
■■■■ will never cuddle you, ■■■■ will never blush when you buy it flowers, ■■■■ will never jump into your arms and give you a kiss, and ■■■■ will never say “I do.”

Pornography is stripped you of the desire and ability to find a woman who loves you, whether you’re looking for a beautiful woman to travel the world with, a cute girlfriend to cuddle with in bed, or the mother of your children. And here’s the worst part. Are you ready?

Even if you find that perfect woman, who makes all your dreams come true, you’ve let ■■■■ condition your brain so relentlessly that she won’t be enough for you. Do you won’t have the motivation to pursue her romantically. You won’t have fantasies or dreams about her. And she won’t be able to make you hard. If she really loves you, she’ll try to be supportive at first. She’ll help you buy Viagra, she’ll do special things to try to arouse you, maybe she’ll even be OK with you watching ■■■■ to get ready. But she won’t be able to endure it forever. She will leave you for a normal man, one who can give her the love she needs.

■■■■ does not love you. ■■■■ does not care about you. ■■■■ has stolen so much from you already. It’s time to break free, break the cycle, and take your life back.


-Shared from Rewire Companion app

Just wanted to store this here because it hit deep.


"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.”

– Gautama Buddha


“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.”

– Epictetus


“Fire animates man; a sexual fire reproduces him. These two fires are one at their source. Man can either drain this fire for this pleasure, or he can sublimate it into a divine force”
-de Lubicz


Another reasonably short video with a lot of power. Hope this helps someone as well.


“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced”
-Vincent Van Gogh


I am currently on day 5. I am aware of the dangers ahead. Just looking at the badges you can see the number of people drops by more than half from 5 to 7 days and half again to 10 days. These are some of the most treacherous waters I am entering. I have made mistakes here several times and it’s been some time since I’ve reached 10 days. I will make it, I will be vigilant.


Remember you have all the resources you need to succeed in your journey. You can do it if you really really want to do it. Don’t let yourself sabotage you!


Thanks brother, I will return here when the urges begin to corrupt my thinking. It is purely self sabotage.


“Freedom and slavery, the one is the name of virtue, and the other of vice, and both are acts of the will.”


There is one thing that has been helping me this time that I want to share. When I see any sexual imagery or clickbait I say to myself;
“Am I really going to simp for this?”
Or “I am not a simp, this has no affect on me.”
After all,

We have to be above the mentality of glorifying these internet cesspools. Once you can look at these baits and see them as the trash and desperate attempts to pull you down that they are, it’s empowering. We are men brothers, don’t let these women be above you and control your mind with your desires as a chain. They are using their ways to take your money, your time and put out your internal fire.:fire: Stay strong, and put yourself first. They don’t deserve our attention.




“He is a sorry pilot who lets the waves wring his rudder from his grasp, who leaves the sails to fly loose, and abandons the ship to the storm: but he who boldly grasps the helm and clings to it until the sea closes over him, deserves praise even though he be shipwrecked.”