Stoic training,ancient philosophy and practical wisdom

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When the abyss gazed back it got lost in the depths of my eternity.

Hahaha, there are forces greater than ourselves though. hibris is the sin of our age.our forbears were greater than us and the gods are even greater . It is not wise to anger the gods and abuse mother nature like we do today. We are marching into the abyss. Most of us can’t see it though. we are too busy in our own vanity and stupid t.v


Mother nature is abundant, she has provided us with all our needs, desires and joys. Yet our greed made us take everything, and our greed knows no Bounds. Thats why we are here. Lack of moderation and temperance.
“It is the most sensual men that flee from women and torment their bodies”
We should always give in return an equal value or more of what we have taken… That is the meaning of Sacrifice for the mother earth. That is the most just.


Courage is better than cowardice
Kinship is better than alienation
Joy is better than guilt.

We all going to die someday but we are free to choose how we will spend our time until this day. And if you live with honor there is not really a death only a change of bodies.
There is no death for the honourable.


You probably notice that I don’t talk here about no fap or porn almost at all. And the reason is that I really don’t think it is the point. The point is to live well and to die well. Porn is nothing but a symptom. It is a biological weapon that destory the weak in spirit. Those who lack fortitude. For them the spirit of temptation is too hard to endure.


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Well hard times are coming
And this is a good thing!
Will you be among heroes
Or the ones who perish into the abyss?

This is a great video that shows how porn among other things results from cowardice.

" if you fear death, you are already dead"

45 days. Lots of difficulties and challenges. I am greatful to the gods of all the hardship they bestow upon me to make me stronger and wiser.
Health and joy!