Stay Clean September Challenge

Stay clean September

Hello all,

This challenge is to stay clean for the month of September starting Sep 1.


This will be a points based challenge. Points are as follows:

  • Each day of week one is 1 point for no relapse
  • Each day of week two is 2 points for no relapse
  • Each day of week three is 3 points for no relapse
  • Each day of week four is 4 points for no relapse

Self care

Additionally there is a self care challenge as well. It is broken down into five sections.

Section 1: Water Intake
Section 2: Exercise
Section 3: Meditation
Section 4: Clean Eating
Section 5: At least 8 hours of sleep every night

Points are as follows:

  • For every 8 oz (237ml) of water you drink you get 1 point
  • For every 10 minutes you exercise you get 1 point
  • For every 10 minutes of Meditation you get 1 point
  • For every time you eat a clean healthy meal you get 1 point up to 5 points a day (3 meals and 2 snacks)
  • For every night you get at least 8 hours of sleep you get 1 point

Additional info

This is a community. Please share any tips and or recommendations you have to help others in their journey. This can be any thing from recipes to videos to apps that have helped you and you feel like sharing this with someone else. Also, if you have a success story please share to encourage others. We are in this together kings and queens.

NoFap leaderboard

Name Points
ncaldwe22 0
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0

Self care leaderboard


Name Points
ncaldwe22 11
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0


Name Points
ncaldwe22 3
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0


Name Points
ncaldwe22 2
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0

Clean Eating:

Name Points
ncaldwe22 3
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0


Name Points
ncaldwe22 1
jarjar 0
TheBigSP 0
2345 0
wick_op 0
sheamus 0
fapstronautharn 0
Green_Penguin 0
Deeepp 0
Midoriya-Izuku 0

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