Starting off today. Challenge me!

Day 4 Standup

Feeling - As usual energetic and a will to do something great

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no gap

Join me in the journey!!

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Day 5 standup:

Feeling - A little urge happened but handled it. Going to sleep as it is night now.

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no fap

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I challenge you for 10 days :triumph:
My code : uxriod

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Anyone challenge me
My code is emhwte

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Day 6 Standup -
Feeling - Highly energetic and will to do work

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no Fap

Day 7 Standup

Feeling - Not so energetic but definitely better than previously

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no fap

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Congrats on reaching 1 week bro! :tada::tada:
Keep going no reason to stop now :muscle::muscle:


Day 8 Reached
Feeling - Very Happy to have completed a week and feeling motivated and thanks @Einzelganger for the supporting me and yes there is no reason to stop now

Motivation - Will crack that 365 days of no fap!!

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You can also signup here at:

38 members are already competing here.

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Day 10 Standup-

Feeling motivated and will complete 365 days of no fap. Join me!!

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Day 11 Standup-

Completed 11 day of no fap

Onto the journey of 365 days of no fap !


Keep Going brother!
I am following you!!

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Hang in there bro, only 3 more days to reach two weeks :muscle:

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• Increase your reason to start a project, by increasing the value of starting it.
• Increase your expectancy of succeeding at that project.
• Decrease your reasons to delay, by increasing urgency, using a deadline.

-Shared from Rewire Companion app


This is how our addiction look like …:point_down:


How it feels to be on no fap…:blush::grinning:


Day 12 Standup

Completed 12 days of no fap

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no fap

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Hey there, yeah this is six days old, but I would be willing for a challenge, let’s see who can go on


Day 13 Standup

Completed 13 days and almost two weeks

Motivation - Complete 365 days of no fap!

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Keep going brother
One step at a time