[Slayer] [90 day challenge - to reach my goals!

Hi All!
I am starting 90 days challenge (NoFap+ good habits). I just want to be more productive every day, and i want to feel that everyday i am doing one step to get closer to reach my goals. Hope this diary can be extra motivation for me and for other people. Lets go through this journey together!

User code: Abcd1234
Age: 32
City: London
NoFap record: 168 days

+6:30 wake up (everyday)
+Gym (3/week)
+Running (2/week)
+Construcrive work/tutorials/product design
+Reading (40min/day)
+Working on improving relations with people
+Healthy food


Day 1/90

  • NoFap
  • I created my diary
  • I planned my relax time for 90 days (list of
    movies - no ■■■■ at all :wink: )
  • I found books i am going to ready for 90 days
  • I set up my goals (working on my own
    company and learning new software)

Summary: feel really good and cant wait for tomorrow


Day 2/90

  • NoFap
  • 6:30 wake up
  • I was foucus on my work and did alot
    +I cooked healthy foos

Summary: i had a bad sleep, but i manage to wake up at 6:30. I didnt do training because i felt week, but it was very productive day. I was focused on my work and have learnt alot. Finally i planned my goals for tomorrow and i can’t wait


You’re taking a step in the right direction my friend! I’m excited to follow your journey towards a better life free from porn!


Thanks! I wasnt watch alot of porn but i wanna use my day on 100% (to be more productive), and i thought NoFap can be good idea


Day 3/90

  • NoFap
  • Productive work

Summary: i didnt read and woke up a little bit late (8:00), but it was very productive day and i have learnt new things. Day was running quite fast

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Day 22 here my nofap journey is going good but I am sucking at productivity your thread inspires me to increase my productivity
Good luck my friend

Thanks. I noticed it is easier to do a challenge and change most of the bad habits than to change just one. It makes me more motivated - i feel that i am living in different way than 1 month ago and i am quite curious what it brings at the end of my 90 days journey


After 90 days it will bring success and happiness in your life

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You’re doing great. I’m proud of you and just don’t dissapoint me.
Maybe just one small suggestion. For many people avoiding pmo day by day is easier, then waiting for 90 day. Building new habits, adding 5 minutes of workout day by day, studying/doing some courses. I mean that maybe it would be easier to build something new than to fight past.
I’m with you, I pray for you.

Day 4/90

  • 6:30 wake up
  • Morning gym
  • Cooking healthy
  • Bike ride
  • Planning time for another days

Summary: wasnt most productive day but i did alot

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Day 5/90

  • 6:30 wake up
  • Not bad productivity at work
  • Contact with friends and family
  • Eating healthy

Summary: i was a little bit lazy but it was still quite a good day.

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Another Londoner! :wave:

Glad to see you’re working hard on productivity brother, that is essential on this journey of self-improvement and fulfillment. Keep it up, it’s inspiring!

One suggestion I would have for your success on being free from pornography is a regular reminder of the reasons why you’re doing so. Perhaps once or twice a week - from what I’ve read so far you may not be as hooked on it as most of us, but I could be wrong. I’m doing daily reminders myself. That plus productive habits and I reckon you’ll be in an even better place than when you achieved 168 days.


Day 6/90

  • 6:30 wake up
  • NoFap
  • Gym
  • Work
  • Eating healthy

Summary: it was a good day. i didnt follow my plan in 100% but still i manage to do alot. Level of motivation is quite high


Thanks for a good advices. I have my goals in front of me all the time :wink: reminders are good. For me it works well when i write it down and hang it on a Doors or wall. How you setting up reminders? Do you have speciall aplication for that?


I recorded a video talking to myself, which I watch every day.


Day 7/90

  • 6:30 wake up
  • I was working only a little bit but i manage to
    quite important things
  • Eating healthy

Summary: it was very calm day. Cant wait for tomorrow - i planned relaxed day - no work. Igotvused to new habit - i am trying to plan next day (day before) and it increasing productivity, that i know exactly what to do. Before, when i didnt plan i wanted to do something but i didnt know what and finally i was wasting time


Day 8/90

  • NoFap
  • Relax
  • Bike
  • Healthy food

Summary: it was relaxed day


Day 9/90

  • NoFap
  • Gym
  • Eating healthy

Summary: didnt work much. Many things were distracting me but tomorrow will be a good day.


Day 13/90

I am quite busy and i stopped counting days. I have alot of things to do and it makes me happy. My libido is quite High especially during the morning, but it push me to be active to do somwthing, not in to masturbation