[SincereDev] Journey From 0 to ♾️ [25 M]


Guys I failed after just completing 11 days… Good thing is I haven’t watched p@rn…but it totally dejected me… I don’t want to repeat those cycles of writing again day 0… This is embarrassing for me and disrespectful to my journal… It certainly decreases the value of journal


No brother. Your value will never decrease after a failure. People would be more inspired by you when you rise up after a failure than seeing a person who constantly gets success without a failure.

We all are normal people who strive to not give up. So when you tell you failed and then u succeed after a lot of attempts , You are showing your reality to everyone not just the bright side of you. This will give hope to the people that every normal person can also succeed in this journey.

No hate to Captain Marvel fans , But I am more inspired by Captain America seeing getting beaten and fighting harder to succeed than seeing Captain marvel destroying an entire army without a scratch.

Again it’s your choice. I just shared my opinion regarding this…


This line is gold bro. :fire::fire::fire::fire: Noice. And also happy Republic Day everyone…



Back on Journey

It’s second day after much chaos… Attend online class and back to work… Listening some great flute music…
I will achieve What I want…


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Oh oh, yea my first day gonna be completed today , I’ll read your journal regularly for some motivation :sweat_smile:

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Now looking building good habits… Fed up of this negative cycle :grimacing: