Should one reset countdown button if someone has watched porn and masturbated?

Should one reset countdown button if someone has watched porn and masturbated ?


Unless you propose is just semen retention, and no brain recovery.


Bro, please elaborate bit more

What do you want to know?

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How semen retention is different from brain recovery, I have been believing that only ejaculation damages the brain … Please share your experiences of this journey in brief this may be great help… your views on porn, masturbation, ejaculation and edging ?


Stop masturbate your brain…

No PMO = no porn, no masturbation, no orgasm.

Semen retention = no cum.

It’s simple.

If you are here because you want to conserve your vital energy by avoiding losing your semen…
You can watch porn, masturbate and even having orgasm without ejaculate.

If you are here for a brain recovery work… Do no porn, no masturbation and no orgasm. You have a lot of writings here that explain you how porn and masturbation can fuck your life. Do your homeworks, bro.


Obviously bro, I have pmo addiction for past 10 years, it effected my life, I want to recover this way that I will conserve my vital fluid for lifetime, but I only want to postpone real sex ie tantra, porn,masturbation, and orgasm till I balance other important aspects of my life.
In brief I want real and digital org without ejaculation to channelise my energy but I will make sure I won’t stuck on porn or mastubation for too long that effect my life, what’s your view, feel free to correct me

The problem with digital orgasm is you will deteriorate your ability to have true orgasm with women in the real life.

You can have sex like a God or sex like a dog. Your choice.


Yes bro, I am struggling to convince my mind that porn is whether good or bad, I read so many long articles , one article by mantak chia says that porn with masturbation can actually do good if one doesn’t ejaculate… what’s your take on that

I know…

Masturbation can be good if you have a lot of tension and you can’t handle with a smarter alternative: workout, meditation, boxing, transmutation practices, … But it’s masturbation in full consciousness. Very slowly and without pornograohic thoughts.

It’s obviously not an option for people who are porn/masturbation addicted.

Porn is never… NEVER!.. A good thing. There is zero good reason to watch pornography.

Explain me how watching an other man than you fucking a woman that you would like to fuck, but you will even never meet in your real life, could be good for you?!

Porn is an irrealisitic world which program your subconscious mind for a reality you will never live… Unless you want to become a porn actor. In this case, good luck!

Bro… Only a fool could imagine that porn can have something good for men who watch this like pevers.

You don’t have to be convinced… The true is very easy to discover… You are trying to stop porn… And you can already feel how hard it’s for you… So, you can see how bad porn has influence and power on you.

What kind of true man could accept to be under the power of porn xD

What kind of wonderful women would like to be with these men?

You already know what to believe. You just don’t have the courage to take it seriously and taking, right now, action with confidence.




Thats what fapping is even if you dont coom

Semen retention is just hardcore nofap, theyre basically the same.
You go hard mode for a while, but after a period, you also try to stay in control of your subconscious, like to control nightfalls as well.
Oh fuck no. Edging is what damages your brain, sometimes even more than orgasm.

The rules are simple : You dont look, you dont touch down there. Even if you dont coom the damage is done bro

Nothing as complicated. If you do any of this, just stop or your life is going to shit.

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Definitely agree with @FlowForCourage on each and every single point.

Porn, masturbation = slavery

It doesnt matter what you feel like, this is the truth.

Also are some advantages to being a fapper :



Out brains are not adapted to see all the time woman. When you watch porn even without ejaculation you desensitize your brain to real situations and real women.